Filtering data in Excel for mailmerge to Word


Jane Shaffer

First of all, I apologize if the answer to this has already been
posted. I am not exactly sure what to call what I am looking for.

I am working on a temporary assignment and using Word and Excel 2003
on Windows 2000 Professional OS. I am more used to Office 2000 as
that is what I have at home; however, I don't know how to accomplish
this mail merge in 2000 either.

What I need to end up with is a mail merge to 96 different schools,
confirming their attendance at three of a total of 13 different
events. In other words, there are 13 events and each school will
attend only three.

My data source is currently in the form of an Access 2003 query, but I
have been told that what I need could be more easily accomplished in
Excel. Each record contains the name of the organization, contact
name, address, and how many students, teachers and chaperones are
attending each performance.

What I don't know how to do is how to make only the performances with
numbers greater than 0 of students, teachers, and chaperones show up
on the final letters for each school. What filters do I set up and
how? Also, how to set up the correct fields in Word?

Any assistance is appreciated!

Thank you!




You may be able to accomplish this in the Mail Merge Task Pane (if you are
also using Word 2003).
After you Select the Recipient List, you should have a dialog box named Mail
Merge Recipients pop up on the screen.
Click on one of the Drop-down arrows for a Field Heading.
Choose Advanced.
Pick the Field for Attendees, set the Comparison for "Not equal to", and
change the "Compare to" to 0.
If you don't have an Attendees Field but instead have Student, Teacher, and
Chaperone all as separate Fields use the And option on the far left and
repeast the steps I outlined above for each separate Field.


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