Files Encryption



Hello !
Is there any way I can decrypt encrypted files from an old os ?
I recently had to reinstall my os on a new hd, and when I access my old hd I
cannot view some files that I encrypted back on my old os.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


To decrypt files requires the original encryption certificate or a Recovery
Agent made in the original installation. Without one of these, those files
are lost to you. However, I suspect what you are encountering is not an
encryption issue but rather an ownership one ("access denied"). If this is
the case, please see this link on "taking ownership" of a folder:

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


I guess I lost these files then...
I already took ownership. That made me able to view the content of folders,
but the files I still can't view (these are mostly jpg files), eventhough I'm
listed as owner.
Thanks for the quick answer.


Welcome to the world of encryption. Now you see there are easier ways
to protect your porn collectio....err, your jpeg files.

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