File Unlocker?


Stan Brown

Ask me in the other group and I will tell you. I don't want the Stalker
Leythos to know about it.

Post the URL. Quite equivocating.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe "equivocating" is an adjective; I'm sure it's not a
quantifiable adjective, so you can't be more equivocating or less
equivocating or slightly equivocating or quite equivocating.

And the URL has been posted here several times -- twice by me in the
past few days. There's no need to go to pcbutts' site and risk
downloading unknown software.


Post the URL. Quite equivocating.

I don't believe "equivocating" is an adjective; I'm sure it's not a
quantifiable adjective, so you can't be more equivocating or less
equivocating or slightly equivocating or quite equivocating.

And the URL has been posted here several times -- twice by me in the
past few days. There's no need to go to pcbutts' site and risk
downloading unknown software.[/QUOTE]

The poster wanted butts to post the link to his online forum where there
are 80000000000 users online using it. Butts won't do it since he
doesn't have one.

Jone Doe


1. Ambiguous; of doubtful meaning.

Thesaurus: obscure, ambiguous, vague, oblique, misleading, evasive,
ambivalent; Antonym: clear.
2. Of an uncertain nature.

Thesaurus: uncertain, undecided, indefinite, doubtful.
3. Questionable, suspicious or mysterious.

Thesaurus: suspicious, questionable.
Derivative: equivocally

And of course, as you probably DO know, "quite" is probably a typographical
error, it only makes sense if it was meant to be "Post the URL. Quit

Stan Brown said:
Post the URL. Quite equivocating.

I don't believe "equivocating" is an adjective; I'm sure it's not a
quantifiable adjective, so you can't be more equivocating or less
equivocating or slightly equivocating or quite equivocating.

And the URL has been posted here several times -- twice by me in the
past few days. There's no need to go to pcbutts' site and risk
downloading unknown software.

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
"And if you're afraid of butter, which many people are nowa-
days, (long pause) you just put in cream." --Julia Child[/QUOTE]


Stan said:
I don't believe "equivocating" is an adjective; I'm sure it's not a
quantifiable adjective, so you can't be more equivocating or less
equivocating or slightly equivocating or quite equivocating.

And the URL has been posted here several times -- twice by me in the
past few days. There's no need to go to pcbutts' site and risk
downloading unknown software.

That's not the link we're talking about Stan.

Btw from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary it's an intransitive verb.
One entry found for equivocate.
Main Entry: equiv·o·cate
Pronunciation: i-'kwi-v&-"kAt
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
1 : to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive
2 : to avoid committing oneself in what one says
synonym see LIE
- equiv·o·ca·tion /-"kwi-v&-'kA-sh&n/ noun
- equiv·o·ca·tor /-'kwi-v&-"kA-t&r/ noun

But as Jone indicated, it should have been "Quit".


Nothing against you Plato I've seen you posts in these groups for years and
I respect you. I use your site a lot. But the idiots in this group don't get
the satisfaction of knowing what it is. They won't believe it anyways. They
have on numerous occasions posted links to it they just don't know it's
mine. They don't like me and if they knew which site it is
know I would rather keep it like that.


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pcbutts1 said:
I know the difference and you are right I don't care. I get paid way too
much to have to hand feed newbie's (no offence to the newbie's) in trouble
shooting issues, after all they come here for help not to be told to go
somewhere else. I make it easy for them and easy for me. You guys can't seem
to understand that. Most of you don't know the meaning of help or what it
means for someone who needs help to have to ask for it.

A simple single page on your website with the direct vendor links would
be quicker and require less effort - so, there has to be that "getting
paid for traffic directed to your site" anterior motivation you

We understand completely, you're asking people to violate security
standards and download files from an unknown source, and you say you
don't care about it - which means you don't really care about security.


pcbutts1 said:
Nothing against you Plato I've seen you posts in these groups for years and
I respect you. I use your site a lot. But the idiots in this group don't get
the satisfaction of knowing what it is. They won't believe it anyways. They
have on numerous occasions posted links to it they just don't know it's
mine. They don't like me and if they knew which site it is
know I would rather keep it like that.

No problemo.

Cedrick Collomb

Hello everyone,

My name is Cedrick Collomb I am the author of Unlocker, do not hesitate to
contact me at ccollomb DeleteThis if you have any question.

My official webpage is

And for obvious security reasons I recommend you to download my software
from my webpage only or from official listed websites listed at the bottom
of the page.

PCButts1: You sent me emails asking for the permission to use unlocker on
your website, and in your emails you said that your website was to help
users dealing with spyware and computer problems. I can not find such a page
on your website, moreover you directly link my software on your server
whereas you should have directly linked my software on my webpage with for example.

I have not given you any explicit authorisation, in my answer to you I have
told you that I would prefer you to link on my webpage, but since I am not
naive and could not enforce it, I tolerated it on your website given that
your intents and the description you gave me were accurate. Obviously they
were not.

Thus I do not allow you anymore to distribute any version of my software
Unlocker on your website.

Thank you for your understanding.

Cedrick Collomb


Hello everyone,

My name is Cedrick Collomb I am the author of Unlocker, do not hesitate to
contact me at ccollomb DeleteThis if you have any question.

My official webpage is

And for obvious security reasons I recommend you to download my software
from my webpage only or from official listed websites listed at the bottom
of the page.

PCButts1: You sent me emails asking for the permission to use unlocker on
your website, and in your emails you said that your website was to help
users dealing with spyware and computer problems. I can not find such a page
on your website, moreover you directly link my software on your server
whereas you should have directly linked my software on my webpage with for example.

I have not given you any explicit authorisation, in my answer to you I have
told you that I would prefer you to link on my webpage, but since I am not
naive and could not enforce it, I tolerated it on your website given that
your intents and the description you gave me were accurate. Obviously they
were not.

Thus I do not allow you anymore to distribute any version of my software
Unlocker on your website.

Thank you for your understanding.

Cedrick Collomb

Cedrick, it's good to see you confirm what many of us have thought about
pcbutts1. Most of us understand security and always provide a direct
link to the vendors site, not only so that the user can get a validated
copy of the file, but so that the vendor can provide information about
the product and even show donation/sales information for the product.

Thanks for posting and letting the world know that you didn't give butts


pcbutts1 said:
Nice forgery. Leythos is that you?

All you have to do is look at the headers, if you can read them, to see
that it didn't come from me.

It's really funny that you have been outed as a liar and unethical


pcbutts1 said:
Nice forgery. Leythos is that you?

Oh, in case you really can't read headers, you might want to consider
that I don't have anything to prove - you're the one making the
grandiose claims without any proof.


Wenn dieses wirklich Sie ist, entfernen Sie alle Verbindungen zu meiner Web
site für die Berichte, die Sie durch mich und meine Techniker von Ihrer Web
site empfangen haben. Ich finde sie entsetzend, daß Sie herkommen und eine
Anzeige so bekanntgeben können, ohne mit mir zuerst in Verbindung zu treten,
um das truthfullness zu überprüfen oder wenigstens um ein explaination zu
bitten. Ich fördere nicht mehr Ihr Produkt


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pcbutts1 said:
Wenn dieses wirklich Sie ist, entfernen Sie alle Verbindungen zu meiner Web
site für die Berichte, die Sie durch mich und meine Techniker von IhrerWeb
site empfangen haben. Ich finde sie entsetzend, daß Sie herkommen und eine
Anzeige so bekanntgeben können, ohne mit mir zuerst in Verbindung zu treten,
um das truthfullness zu überprüfen oder wenigstens um ein explaination zu
bitten. Ich fördere nicht mehr Ihr Produkt

Transaltion by automated services:

If this is actual you, you remove all connections to my Webs site for
the reports, that you received through me and my technicians of your
Webs site. I find it appalling that you can come and so can announce a
notice without stepping with me first in connection, in order to review
the truthfullness or to ask at least for an explaination. I promote no
longer your product

So: You got busted and you were warned by all of us that you were doing
it wrong - if you had only followed MIRRORING NORMS or LINKING NORMS you
would not have caused yourself these problems.


You need a better translator Stalker. This Leythos stalker has now followed
me to another group he has never posted in just to stalk me. David Liptman
or whatever his name is must be his phuckbuddy because he is following me
now too. I know one of them forged that post.


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pcbutts1 said:
Wenn dieses wirklich Sie ist, entfernen Sie alle Verbindungen zu meiner
site für die Berichte, die Sie durch mich und meine Techniker von Ihrer
site empfangen haben. Ich finde sie entsetzend, daß Sie herkommen und eine
Anzeige so bekanntgeben können, ohne mit mir zuerst in Verbindung zu
um das truthfullness zu überprüfen oder wenigstens um ein explaination zu
bitten. Ich fördere nicht mehr Ihr Produkt

Transaltion by automated services:

If this is actual you, you remove all connections to my Webs site for
the reports, that you received through me and my technicians of your
Webs site. I find it appalling that you can come and so can announce a
notice without stepping with me first in connection, in order to review
the truthfullness or to ask at least for an explaination. I promote no
longer your product

So: You got busted and you were warned by all of us that you were doing
it wrong - if you had only followed MIRRORING NORMS or LINKING NORMS you
would not have caused yourself these problems.

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