File Moving Not Responding



Since my computer automatically installed the latest updates for Windows XP
and Internet Explorer on my computer yesterday it will not allow me to move
files between folders on my hard drive. It just stops responding when I
attempt to move a file. Also it won't let me change the distination folder
either when trying to move a file. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.


Maurice N ~ MVP

Hello Jerry,

Does this system have HP hardware devices, such as printer, scanner, or camera, or other HP external unit ?
Let's see if we can rule that out.


I am having the same problem with my computer, is anyone else having this
problem? My computer does not have any hardware problems. Thank you.



I looked a few other posts, the answer to this problem was to go to
add/remove programs, select the update KB908531 and remove it. This worked
for my computer. Thanks.



I'm having the same problem - I thought I was going crazy! Not only that, in
Internet Explorer I can't move to any other websites by entering info in the
address line; the computer doesn't respond to the "go" command or "enter"...
what happened??


I have 'move' and 'copy' not working. And I have reports that people cant
save a new file in Word. I have an HP PSC 2115 printer/scanner/copier whose
software caused interaction problems with my Acronis True Image software a
couple of years ago. I am wondering whether to try deleting Microsoft update
KB 908531 now or wait to see what happens. Deletion strikes me as drastic.

Larry Samuels

you can do the following if you've been affected:

- (If you have multiple user accounts set up) Log onto the computer using an
account with Administrator privileges

- Click the Start button, then click Run and type "regedit" at the prompt,
without the quotes; this will start Registry Editor

- Locate the
Extensions\Cached key in Registry Editor

- Right click on the key and select New / DWORD Value

- Rename the resulting value
0x401", without the quotes

- Right click the value, select Modify, and type "1" into the Value Data

- Close Registry Editor

Larry Samuels Associate Expert
MS-MVP (2001-2005)
Unofficial FAQ for Windows Server 2003 at
Expert Zone-


See Lori's response:
I looked a few other posts, the answer to this problem was to go to
add/remove programs, select the update KB908531 and remove it. This worked
for my computer. Thanks.


This worked for me, too ... like a charm! And I have all HP interfaces
hooked into my computer, too!

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