file directory with creation date & dimensions (for photo listing)



I've done a reasonably good search, but can't find what I need. I've
downloaded Karen's Directory Printer... very good, but doesn't list the
CORRECT creation date for my photos.
Scenario: copied a batch of photos to cd, 2 so one can go offsite, checked
the cds read/opened files ok, then deleted all (and emptied recycle bin...
space needed). Didn't notice until I went to do dir list of the cd (to print
& keep with cd) that the dates were those of when copied to cd. Can still see
all properties in right-click, properties, summary but how the **** do I get
this info into a listing? Can do command prompt DOS listings (a breeze), and
import/edit in Excel, but still doesn't give the CORRECT creation date, or
any info like dimensions, etc.
Can anyone help, please?

Ramesh, MS-MVP


This is possible using Windows Scripting

From David Candy:[email protected]

Microsoft Windows 2000 Scripting Guide:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting

"Kristine the DragonLady" <Kristine the
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
I've done a reasonably good search, but can't find what I need. I've
downloaded Karen's Directory Printer... very good, but doesn't list the
CORRECT creation date for my photos.
Scenario: copied a batch of photos to cd, 2 so one can go offsite, checked
the cds read/opened files ok, then deleted all (and emptied recycle bin...
space needed). Didn't notice until I went to do dir list of the cd (to print
& keep with cd) that the dates were those of when copied to cd. Can still
all properties in right-click, properties, summary but how the **** do I get
this info into a listing? Can do command prompt DOS listings (a breeze), and
import/edit in Excel, but still doesn't give the CORRECT creation date, or
any info like dimensions, etc.
Can anyone help, please?

Ramesh, MS-MVP

You're welcome Kristine. BTW, I've modified David's code little bit. Creates
a file named "ExtendedFileList.txt" in the same folder for which you run the
listing. Automatically opens the Tab de-limited text file in Microsoft

- - - - -Script begins from next line- - - -

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set Ag=Wscript.Arguments
Set Fldr=objShell.NameSpace(Ag(0))
Set FldrItems=Fldr.Items
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FName = FLDR.self.path & "\ExtendedFileList.txt"
Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(FName, 2, vbtrue)
For x = 0 to 50
t1 = t1 & Fldr.GetDetailsOf(vbnull, x) & vbtab
ts.write FLDR.self.path &vbcrlf
ts.Write T1 & vbcrlf
For Each FldrItem in FldrItems
For x = 0 to 50
t1 = t1 & Fldr.GetDetailsOf(FldrItem, x) & vbtab
t1=t1 & vbcrlf
ts.Write T1

'If you don't have MS Excel, comment next line
WshShell.Run "excel.exe " & chr(34) & FName & chr(34), 1, True
Set objShell = Nothing
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

- - - - Script ends in previous line- - - -


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting

"Kristine the DragonLady" <[email protected]>
wrote in message Thanks Ramesh. It looks way too complicated, but I'll look through it.

Ramesh said:

This is possible using Windows Scripting

From David Candy:[email protected]

Microsoft Windows 2000 Scripting Guide:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting

"Kristine the DragonLady" <Kristine the
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
I've done a reasonably good search, but can't find what I need. I've
downloaded Karen's Directory Printer... very good, but doesn't list the
CORRECT creation date for my photos.
Scenario: copied a batch of photos to cd, 2 so one can go offsite, checked
the cds read/opened files ok, then deleted all (and emptied recycle bin...
space needed). Didn't notice until I went to do dir list of the cd (to
& keep with cd) that the dates were those of when copied to cd. Can still
all properties in right-click, properties, summary but how the **** do I
this info into a listing? Can do command prompt DOS listings (a breeze),
import/edit in Excel, but still doesn't give the CORRECT creation date, or
any info like dimensions, etc.
Can anyone help, please?

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