Some time ago I started with a MinLogon based image and created several
components that included FBA Generic Commands to perform installations.
Everything worked fine. Recently it became necessary to migrate to a
Windows Logon based image and my FBA Generic Commands were now failing.
So I started adjusting phases and found that if my moved my commands
to the very end of FBA they started working... sometimes. Finally I
came to find that the commands only work if they are run after some
delay after the reboot following EWF configuration (note that EWF is not
protecting the Windows drive, so it should be unrelated). So now I have
an FBA Generic Command to run 'cmd.exe /C pause' at phase 65529 so that
all my FBA Generic Commands that I put at phase 65530 can run
successfully. If I take away the pause, then any commands scheduled at
phase 65530 fail if they run in the first few seconds after FBA starts
running again. See the FBALOG.TXT snipits below:
Without pause:
21:48:43 PM - [CallEntryPointThread] C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ewfdll.dll,
21:48:43 PM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup Flag...
21:48:43 PM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
21:48:53 PM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...
21:49:25 PM - [FBASetProgressText] Installing Components...
21:49:26 PM - [FBALaunch] C:\WINDOWS\FBA\oem\wdreg.exe -inf
C:\WINDOWS\inf\windrvr6.inf install (ExitCode: 0x1)
With pause:
11:00:33 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ewfdll.dll,
11:00:33 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup Flag...
11:01:10 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
11:01:20 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...
11:01:52 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Installing Components...
11:01:58 AM - [FBALaunch] C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe /C pause
(ExitCode: 0x0)
11:02:14 AM - [FBALaunch] C:\WINDOWS\FBA\oem\wdreg.exe -inf
...\..\INF\windrvr6.inf install (ExitCode: 0x0)
It's not just the wdreg.exe call that has a problem. I have FBA Generic
Commands to install printers by calling printui.dll,PrintUIEntry via
rundll32 and these pop-up a message saying "Invalid Arguments" unless I
add the pause. Anybody have any idea what's going on? Anybody else
seen behavior like this?
Thanks in advance,
components that included FBA Generic Commands to perform installations.
Everything worked fine. Recently it became necessary to migrate to a
Windows Logon based image and my FBA Generic Commands were now failing.
So I started adjusting phases and found that if my moved my commands
to the very end of FBA they started working... sometimes. Finally I
came to find that the commands only work if they are run after some
delay after the reboot following EWF configuration (note that EWF is not
protecting the Windows drive, so it should be unrelated). So now I have
an FBA Generic Command to run 'cmd.exe /C pause' at phase 65529 so that
all my FBA Generic Commands that I put at phase 65530 can run
successfully. If I take away the pause, then any commands scheduled at
phase 65530 fail if they run in the first few seconds after FBA starts
running again. See the FBALOG.TXT snipits below:
Without pause:
21:48:43 PM - [CallEntryPointThread] C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ewfdll.dll,
21:48:43 PM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup Flag...
21:48:43 PM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
21:48:53 PM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...
21:49:25 PM - [FBASetProgressText] Installing Components...
21:49:26 PM - [FBALaunch] C:\WINDOWS\FBA\oem\wdreg.exe -inf
C:\WINDOWS\inf\windrvr6.inf install (ExitCode: 0x1)
With pause:
11:00:33 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ewfdll.dll,
11:00:33 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup Flag...
11:01:10 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
11:01:20 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...
11:01:52 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Installing Components...
11:01:58 AM - [FBALaunch] C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe /C pause
(ExitCode: 0x0)
11:02:14 AM - [FBALaunch] C:\WINDOWS\FBA\oem\wdreg.exe -inf
...\..\INF\windrvr6.inf install (ExitCode: 0x0)
It's not just the wdreg.exe call that has a problem. I have FBA Generic
Commands to install printers by calling printui.dll,PrintUIEntry via
rundll32 and these pop-up a message saying "Invalid Arguments" unless I
add the pause. Anybody have any idea what's going on? Anybody else
seen behavior like this?
Thanks in advance,