Favorites in IE



when my users log into windows 2000 machines, the favorites i setup in OU
work fine, but when they log onto an XP machine... the favorites are not
being pulled. I have turned all firewall settings off, but still cannot find
the cause.

Please help.


Hello Leni,

Do you apply folder redirection - particularly Application Data - to your
users with GP for the XP machines?

Take care,


Yes, I do apply folder redirection for Application Data. However, all seems
to work fine on Windows 2000 machines. It's only the XP machines that seems
to have the problem. Is there something particular with XP that needs to be
done differently?


Hello Leni,

There is an issue with IE Branding on XP SP2 clients if the Application Data
folder is redirected in AD. There is a fix available from Microsoft - it is
covered by KB article KB888254. You can get this from Microsoft by going to
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=888254 directly, or
visit http://support.microsoft.com and query the Knowledge base
for the product and the KB number of this update.

The problem with it is that you will have to patch and edit the registry on
all of your XP SP2 clients.

Hope this helps.

Take care,

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