External Hard Drive Uses



I have a new USB 2.0 external hard drive, and I would
like to get some advice about it. Is it good for
anything more than backing up operating system and
files? I guess my question is, if I installed an
application on it, what quality of results could I
reasonably expect? I have a 996 MHz Pentium III running
Windows XP Home Edition with 256 MB memory, which I
intend to double to 512 MB. Your thoughts would be
highly appreciated. Thank you.


Other than backup, an external drive adds storage space to the computer. It
is also convenient for transporting large amounts of data from one computer
to another in a remote location. So far as installing applications to an
external drive, for most applications, it would make no noticeable
difference. Some "high end" graphics, and others, may take a performance hit
because of search times etc.


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