Explorer.exe Windows 2000



I have a problem with my Windows 2000. Everytime I start
up my computer all I get is a blank desktop with nothing
on it. I determined that explorer.exe was not running and
I used task manager to run it but for somereason
explorer.exe will only run for a second or two and then it
will close and i will still be stuck with a blank desktop.

George Hester

'I'm quite strongly inclined to believe that this is caused by a "broken" IE..."

You're correct it is. Actually it is caused by the Cumulative Updates at Microsoft for Internet Explorer 6 that came out in the first half of 2003. An IE repair will likely not fix it.

One way to attack this issue is to uninstall IE 6 SP1. Clean up your settings when rebooting. Then install Windows 2000 SP3 or SP4 again whichever the user is currently at. Reboot. Then re-install IE 6 SP1 (I'd stay away from it but nobody wants to hear that). So reinstall it. Reboot. Then get and install the most recent cumulative update to IE 6 SP1. Reboot.



You didn't say why you would stay away from I.E. Will you share that?


'I'm quite strongly inclined to believe that this is caused by a "broken" IE..."

You're correct it is. Actually it is caused by the Cumulative Updates at Microsoft for
Internet Explorer 6 that came out in the first half of 2003. An IE repair will likely not
fix it.

One way to attack this issue is to uninstall IE 6 SP1. Clean up your settings when
rebooting. Then install Windows 2000 SP3 or SP4 again whichever the user is currently at.
Reboot. Then re-install IE 6 SP1 (I'd stay away from it but nobody wants to hear that). So
reinstall it. Reboot. Then get and install the most recent cumulative update to IE 6 SP1.

George Hester

A few resons. Number 1 there is a REASON why Windows XP no longer uses Webview. And it is not because Webview was a marketing failure. It is because IE 6 and Webview are arch enemies.

Number 2. I don't like the way Windows 2000 Explorer loads when IE 6 is installed.

Number 3. The article I gave at the end of my op. This article is only partially correct. In fact Microsoft and I spent 4 months on this issue. I really don't think it is just specific to IE 6. Heck I started getting the crashes right here again in Windows 2000 Server a week or so ago. I nipped it in the but. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2. It is a race condition caused by mshtml.dll THE mshtml.dll's that came out the first half of this year in the Cumulative updates. And the various "Security" patches that correpond to mshtml.dll.

This article should help those that are experiencing this crashing Windows Explorer issue. First Start | Run | regsvr /u thumbvw.dll | OK | OK. Then do all the uninstalling and reinstalling I described. Then you should be good to go. For the applications that are reinstalled will regsvr32 thumbvw.dll and if they don't just regsvr32 thumbvw.dll manually but be sure to remove the entry Microsoft says to remove in the article I posted.

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