Explain "Archive Or Delete" in Default Auto-Archive Settings



When I look at the Default Auto-Archive Settings in Outlook 2003, I get
confused about the "Delete expired items" and "Archive or delete old items".
Can someone explain to me how they are used?

Roady [MVP]

What's your confusion?
You control what AutoArchive does;

On items you can set an expire date. After this date should AutoArchive
delete it for you? If you don't set this option the normal AutoArchive
settings will apply.

When it is time to archive, should AutoArchive move the old items to an
archive file or delete them.


So, if I want Auto-Archive to delete after a number of days, I tick "Delete
Expired Items" and Archive or delete old items". If I want Auto-Archive to
archive but not delete, I just tick "Archive or delete old items"?

The confusion arises when asked to tick a checkbox called "A or B" - does
"A" happen or does "B" happen?

Why would I want to "archive items using the default settings", but then not
tick the "Archive or delete" option in the default settings dialog? Surely if
I've set the radio button to use the Default Archive Settings, then the
"Archive or Delete" checkbox should be greyed out?

Roady [MVP]

No, they archive on completely different fields.

The expire option deletes depending on the expire date which can be
configured on an email.

Delete or archive deletes or archives depending on the modified date of an

By default every folder will archive to a pst-file. You can set individual
archive settings to delete or archive to a different folder in the
properties of any folder. AutoArchive will read these settings.

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