Excel 2003 calculates new on closing/opening outlines


Dirk Flakowski


I have a very big workbook containing thousands of formulas and
outlines as well as self-programmed functions (in an AddIn). Now I
recognized that Excel recalculates nearly my complete workbook on
closing/opening outlines. So I took a closer look at it and found that
Excel recalculates all those formulas again which are located outside
the outline - but which use cells in side that outline.
For example if formula in cell A1 contains "=B5*A2" and then I
open/close an outline so that B5 becomes visible/invisible then
formula in A1 is recalculated.
But this does not happen in any Excel-version before Excel 2003.
So I have two questions:

1. Is this a bug or a feature of Excel2003?
2. What can I do against it so that I still can use my workbook?

Thanks for your trouble in advance.

Kind regards,

Dave Peterson

xl2003 added an option to =subtotal().

It used to ignore cells that were hidden by an autofilter. It was enhanced to
ignore cells that were hidden manually (the first parm changes (9 becomes 109
for example)).

I'm guessing that excel figures that there might be a reason to recalc when you
hide/unhide rows.

Maybe you could just turn the calculation to manual
(tools|options|calculation tab)

And toggle it back on when you need it.

Dirk Flakowski

Hello Dave,

thanks for your answer. But one additional question: is there no way
to force Excel2003 to work like older versions? In this way Excel is
nearly no more usable for all our customers!

Thanks for your trouble in advance.

Dave Peterson

Not that I know.

Dirk said:
Hello Dave,

thanks for your answer. But one additional question: is there no way
to force Excel2003 to work like older versions? In this way Excel is
nearly no more usable for all our customers!

Thanks for your trouble in advance.

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