Event ID 3006 EvntAgnt 87


George Jones

Has anyone seen the following event before???
Error reading log event record. Handle specified is
637128. Return code from ReadEventLog is 87.

These are filling the Application log every few seconds.
the only text that changes is the handle. Windows 2000
server sp4.

George Jones

Thanks for the information. The only one that comes
close refers to return code 6, and the .evt files never
exceed 64K. Here is the exact info from the event...

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: EvntAgnt
Event Category: None
Event ID: 3006
Date: 9/8/2004
Time: 7:12:14 AM
User: N/A
Computer: *******
Error reading log event record. Handle specified is
637128. Return code from ReadEventLog is 87.


George, I am having the same symptoms you describe. Did you ever resolve
this issue? If so, how?



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