Error when mapping drives


Anguel Iordanov

Hi Guys,

I am using Win 2000 with the latest SP on a SBS 4.5 Network.

Sometimes after mapping a drive the user is unable to access, edit the data
on this drive. The error message is:
An error occurred while reconnecting
Microsoft Windows Network: The local device name is already in use.
The connection has not been restored

I have disconnected and reconnected the drive. Also tried scripting. It
didn't work.

This problem occurs only on some folders but they are all in the same
physical drive.

This is the only Win2000 OS I have and the only computer with this problem.

Please help if you can.




The maximum number of concurrent users allowed to access a
folder share in windows is 10. How many users are
accessing the share at the same time? Or do you have a
limit set on the folder to alow less than the maximum?

Or are you trying to map a drive letter that has already
been used? For example, if you use d: for your cdrom, then
trying to map d: again will not work.

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