For the life of me I can't figure out what's going on.
We have Exchange 2000 and all of my users have versions 4.7 or 5.1.
Everything was just peachy until one day a user updated his network password
and he can no longer sign into Messenger.
He gets the error "Signing into Microsoft Exchange Instant Messaging failed
because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. But with no success.
I checked the IM server log and I see a 200, 401, and 500 errors in that
order when this user attempts to sign in. All he did was update his
password. What's going on?
We have Exchange 2000 and all of my users have versions 4.7 or 5.1.
Everything was just peachy until one day a user updated his network password
and he can no longer sign into Messenger.
He gets the error "Signing into Microsoft Exchange Instant Messaging failed
because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. But with no success.
I checked the IM server log and I see a 200, 401, and 500 errors in that
order when this user attempts to sign in. All he did was update his
password. What's going on?