Error message

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to get rid of the following in Outlook Express that continues to
pop up on entry. I've tried unsubscribing every newsgroup without any
difference whatever.

Is there any way in getting rid of this message below?



The host 'http' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the
server name correctly. Account: 'http', Server: 'http', Protocol: POP3,
Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
Crossposted to OE General newsgroup.

Please define "on entry".

HTTP is not a host or account name.

Port 119 is used for most NNTP servers.

When exactly does this happen? More info needed.

Outlook Express General Newsgroup:
Michael said:
I'm trying to get rid of the following in Outlook Express that continues to
pop up on entry. I've tried unsubscribing every newsgroup without any
difference whatever.

Is there any way in getting rid of this message below?



The host 'http' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the
server name correctly. Account: 'http', Server: 'http', Protocol: POP3,
Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

Does 'http' actually look like a valid host name to you?
When the program starts, Outlook Express attempts to download
messages from a mail server at an invalid address. This is a
configuration problem with one of the mail accounts on your
computer. It has nothing to do with any newsgroup subscriptions.

The following steps should do the trick:

Open Outlook Express.
Click on Tools | Accounts...
Select the Mail tab.
Scroll down and select the mail account named "http".

Now you have two choices.

1. To remove the account completely, click on the Remove
option, or

2. To correct the address of mail server, click on Properties.
Check the data that has been entered under the General, Servers,
and Advanced tabs - and amend any incorrect details. You might
need to contact the mail service provider for that particular
account, to obtain the correct details for that particular mail
service. Alternatively, someone on this newsgroup might be able
to offer suggestions. If so, we would need to know the part of
the email address that follows the @ symbol (NOT your complete
email address). We might also require the name of your Internet
Service Provider (ISP).

I've unchecked 'Include this account when checking for new messages.'
Rebooted, re-entered Outlook Express. The message no longer appears. So,
thanks for helping me resolve this issue.

Also while I'm here. Sometimes I get an issue whereby, my posts or threads
refuse to send via the outbox feature. So wondering if you could 'throw
some light' on why this sometimes happens? In particular since it can end
up being an inconvenience not only to myself, yet, the remaining contacts
trying to get help from this forum.

Best regards

Unchecking 'Include this account when checking for new messages'
will remove the immediate problem with your "http" mail account.
However, one of your mail accounts in Outlook Express has not
been set up properly. It would be better to configure the
account correctly - or remove it completely.

I presume your other problem relates to newsgroup postings only.
There could be so many causes. Next time a post "refuses to
send", please copy and post the complete error message. Then,
someone will probably be able to help.

I have cross posted this response to the newsgroup at
That's not a newsgroup error. Methinks he's trying (or tried) to access a
Hotmail account via POP3 and made a mess of it.

Compare your configuration settings to those listed on this page:!F92775FC46A390CA!422.entry

TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties |
Servers | Incoming mail server | Log on using Secure Password Authentication
<=Do NOT check/enable this option!

TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties |
Servers | Outgoing mail server | My server requires authentication
<=check/enable this option

TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties |

=> Outgoing (SMTP) server port will need to be 587 (not 25) for most users
=> Incoming (POP3) server should be port 995
=> Both SSL options must be checked/enabled

TIP: Disable email scanning by your anti-virus application. It provides no
additional protection and it may problems.

• Why you don't need your anti-virus to scan your email

OE-specific newsgroup:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
I have not been trying to set up a Hotmail account. If the issue (that's
intermittant) occurs with me, then it can happen to anyone. This being, in
all the associated forums in Outlook Express.

To add more backbone. I have known the thread to remain in the 'outbox'
after selecting the 'Send' option. Other times, I can send without any
trouble along the way.

Meanwhile, the purpose of Mr Lucas transferring my details to this forum is
that as and when the issue arises, is to obtain the relevant feedback on the


PA Bear said:
That's not a newsgroup error. Methinks he's trying (or tried) to access a
Hotmail account via POP3 and made a mess of it.

Compare your configuration settings to those listed on this page:!F92775FC46A390CA!422.entry

TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties
| Servers | Incoming mail server | Log on using Secure Password
Authentication <=Do NOT check/enable this option!

TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties
| Servers | Outgoing mail server | My server requires authentication
<=check/enable this option

TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties
| Advanced:

=> Outgoing (SMTP) server port will need to be 587 (not 25) for most
=> Incoming (POP3) server should be port 995
=> Both SSL options must be checked/enabled

TIP: Disable email scanning by your anti-virus application. It provides
no additional protection and it may problems.

• Why you don't need your anti-virus to scan your email

OE-specific newsgroup:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002

Bruce said:
Please define "on entry".

HTTP is not a host or account name.

Port 119 is used for most NNTP servers.

When exactly does this happen? More info needed.

Outlook Express General Newsgroup:
Thanks Bob for crossposting my thread for me. I've now got this 'forum' up
and running in Outlook Express and await further threads to this effect.

Meanwhile, if a duplicate issue appears it is because my most recent posting
has again, failed to send. And there is nothing in the outbox to this
effect. So, consequently, I cannot copy any messages appearing. Still, I
should at least let you know how I get on with any useful postings in the
Outlook Express forum.

All the best

Well, it's certainly not a newsgroup error, Michael, at least not an error
for a newsgroup that's been properly configured in OE: Posts to newsgroups
are sent via an NNTP server, not a POP3 server.
OE: Posts to newsgroups are sent via an NNTP server, not a POP3 server.

I shall look info this further when I have time and get back to you if I
need further help on this. With hope, quite soon.

Thanks just the same for the above.
