Error Message



The message I got today was upon startup was:

Memory write/read failure at 00F90000, read F900F916 expecting F916F916

Memory address line failurer at 00F90000, read F900F196 expecting 06060606

What does that mean?

Sharon F

The message I got today was upon startup was:

Memory write/read failure at 00F90000, read F900F916 expecting F916F916

Memory address line failurer at 00F90000, read F900F196 expecting 06060606

What does that mean?

It means an attempt was made to write something to memory and it failed.
Possibly a faulty or corrupted driver that loads at startup. Or a sign of
bad RAM.

You could run a memory diagnostic such as this one:

Could also try starting in Safe Mode where more basic drivers are loaded
for core hardware. If no error, consider trying an update of the video
driver for starters. Since this loads early with Windows, it's a likely
candidate if a driver is the root cause of the error message.

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