error executing .exe (netscp.exe)



I had all my e-mail on a netscape system and can no longer
retrieve. netscp.exe will not execute on my computer.

I made a mistake with installing a second hardrive and
corupted some data. I moved my documents and setting from
one drive to the newly formatted drive and then formatted
my orginal c:\ drive and performed a complete reinstall of
windows XP home. I then proceeded to reinstall all the
software that I had and then migrated my documents and
settings back to the original c:\ hard drive. Now Netscap
will not execute. I have removed and reinstalled the
complete version of netscape 7.1 several times. It
installs but in the add remove program it shows no file
size. Also radio netscape and the other installed files
execute properly witht he exception of netscp.exe. Please
anyone what may be holding this program from executing. I
appreciate any help



If you moved the whole documents and settings folder it may cause some problems if you still have back up try reinstalling the lot again and only copy the individual files not whole folders, if enviroment variables are modified it can cause problems. i learnt the hard way.


If you know where the data files are, you could try importing into outlook
express, or download mozilla or firefox and try importing into those.


Thank you I am trying the mozilla program but does anyone
know how I can get netscape to work again?

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