Error 3197



A very importand DB is unusable, everytime i try to open it, i get the same

I tried to "Import" all object to another DB, but i get the same error.

The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and
another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time. (Error
This error can occur in a multiuser environment.

Is there a way to recobert this DB? we dont have a copy.




Sounds like it's corrupt.

If you import the objects to another database, do it one object at a time.
Note which object(s) cause the database to throw the error. If it's all of
them, the database is completely knacked. If only some of them, you might be
able to salvage most of your info... (losing one table or one form is
preferable to losing an entire database).

Do you have a backup you can restore to? If so, you could copy across all
the uncorrupt items from the latest version, and copy over the corrupted ones
from the (uncorrupt) backup.


Is your database a multiuser one? if so get everybody to log out. The
uuse tools->comapct/repair

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