Enlarged Tray Icons.


XP User

For some reason or another, my tray icons seem, rather large
I do not have any of the Accesibilty settings on and my monitor is set to
1280x1024, so usually things are small and sharp
But now they seem, enlarged.
Also other things are messed up, like the taskbar buttons and the drop down
menus in the start menu
What is wrong here


Sounds like you have installed a new theme or some kind of windows tweaking tool that has chanegd all your settings for you. If you right click on your start button and browse through the various levels of options and properties therein you should be able to change pretty much everything to do with the start menu and quick launch icons sizes. I can't be more specific than that because I am at work and we use winNT where all such options are disabled. If you need more help I'll have a look when i get home.

PS. Other option for desktop icons etc are within the display properties menu. Right click on desktop and click properties

XP User

All the stuff looks like its set to defaut. I have no tweakers on my system
and no themes, except for the XP Silver setting.

Oliver said:
Sounds like you have installed a new theme or some kind of windows
tweaking tool that has chanegd all your settings for you. If you right click
on your start button and browse through the various levels of options and
properties therein you should be able to change pretty much everything to do
with the start menu and quick launch icons sizes. I can't be more specific
than that because I am at work and we use winNT where all such options are
disabled. If you need more help I'll have a look when i get home.
PS. Other option for desktop icons etc are within the display properties
menu. Right click on desktop and click properties.



Try right-clicking on the desktop, choosing properties and then in the
themes tab choose 'XP theme' in the dropdown menu. Click Apply.

Good luck

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