EMS under Win XP



Can someone please explain in terms that even an idiot like me can understand, how to solve the following problem

How do I make EMS memory available? I am currently attempting to run Eye of the Beholder III, and prior to the program actually starting I get a message stating "At least 983040 EMS Memory required for digitized sound support. Digitized sound will not be available.

Since I have over 250 MB of installed memory, and I previously ran this program on a 486 under Windows 95 with only 16 MB of RAM, I don't understand the problem

If I go to properties for the program shortcut, I only have the option of making a max of 16384 EMS available, nowhere near enough

I've tried AbandonLoader and VDMS sound, both with no success. Also no joy with DOS Box

Any suggestions

Thank you

Tom Pont

Jimmy S.

Hi Tom,

Here's some Windows XP PIF information:

To create or change a program information file (PIF)

Prior to creating or making changes to the PIF, please review the MS-DOS-based program documentation. Changing the PIF affects how
the program interacts with Windows. The program might only work correctly with specific default settings.

Open My Computer.
Do one of the following:
If you want to create a program information file (PIF) for a program, locate the program and right-click it. Then click Properties
and change the default settings to match the program requirements.

If you want to change the settings of an existing PIF file, locate the shortcut to the program file and right-click it. Click
Properties and make the appropriate changes.

To open My Computer, click Start, and then click My Computer.
Creating a program information file (PIF) for an MS-DOS-based program creates a shortcut to the program executable. All the settings
saved in the PIF file are contained in the shortcut.

To specify whether an MS-DOS-based program starts in a full screen or in a window, change the Run properties on the Program (or
Shortcut) tab.

To view MS-DOS-based program output on the screen faster, after clicking Properties in step 2, on the Screen tab, select Fast ROM
emulation under Performance. Please review the documentation that came with your video card to ensure it supports Fast ROM

********************************* PAY ATTENTION HERE! :)
To increase the performance of the MS-DOS-based program, you can allocate more memory. To make this change, after clicking
Properties in step 2, on the Memory tab;

********* set Expanded (EMS) memory or Extended (XMS) memory to Auto, and no limit will be imposed. ********

If you experience program errors, set the value in the Total window to 8192.

The Properties dialog box has replaced the PIF Editor used in earlier versions of Windows.

-------------------------- Here's some more advice..

When a game is a DOS game, it could work using compatibility mode:
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=292533 or by using the Multiboot
bootdisk from: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~lpcd/downloads.html
and always check at fileplanet.com to see if there's a patch available,
or search at: http://www.avault.com/pcrl/patches_list.asp?letter=a :)

Since DOSBOX didn't work for you, try Microsoft's Virtual PC:
which allows you to install DOS or to run any operating system inside XP.

If you prefer to explore other advanced methods, here are two excellent
tutorials I've found on the subject: http://www.dosgames.com/xphints.php
and http://home.earthlink.net/~angeldancer27/XpGameList.htm For sound
issues use: http://www.ece.mcgill.ca/~vromas/vdmsound Good Luck! :)

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S. http://mvp.support.microsoft.com

Game FAQs: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=FH;[LN];gms
Visit my Zone.com / Gaming Helpsite: http://nibblesnbits.tk or Call / Contact
MS Support at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=sz;en-us;top
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

| Can someone please explain in terms that even an idiot like me can understand, how to solve the following problem.
| How do I make EMS memory available? I am currently attempting to run Eye of the Beholder III, and prior to the program actually
starting I get a message stating "At least 983040 EMS Memory required for digitized sound support. Digitized sound will not be
| Since I have over 250 MB of installed memory, and I previously ran this program on a 486 under Windows 95 with only 16 MB of RAM,
I don't understand the problem.
| If I go to properties for the program shortcut, I only have the option of making a max of 16384 EMS available, nowhere near
| I've tried AbandonLoader and VDMS sound, both with no success. Also no joy with DOS Box.
| Any suggestions?
| Thank you:
| Tom Ponta

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