Emebed worksheet not able to see whole worksheet



Embeded worksheet not able to see whole worksheet. I know it's going to be a
simple solution and the minute someone answer me, I would probably have know
the answer. But for the life of me, I can not resize the worksheet.




Well now I have to ask what exactly you are doing. The only way I know to
embed Excel into Excel is to use a Microsoft Office Spreadsheet 10 control in
a spreadsheet? Is that what you are doing and if so why?

Or maybe you mean you are trying to embed a picture of part of a spreadsheet
in the spreadsheet?

If neither of these, please tell me steps you use to do the embedding.


OK, I have spread sheet with list on one tab and another spread sheet with 22
tab of charts, graphs, data etc. I go to "Insret" on the menu bar and insert
the other spread sheet on to one of the tabs so if the information changes, I
can just click on it and change my data. But it's cutting off my spread
sheet, can't see the whole spread sheet. I have to "shrink" the cells to fit
but it looks bad. I just need to resize it.

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