embedded Excel sheet in word document - how to use named ranges

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How can I use named dynamic ranges in a chart object in an embedded Excel
sheet in a Word document? The normal syntax uses the workbook name, but I
don;t know what the workbook name is for an embedded sheet. Thanks in
advance to anyone who can help sort this out.
Do you mean that you have an embedded XL wkbk in a Word doc & you want to
plot the data in a separate XL wkbk (.xls) file linked to the embedded

If so you don't need named ranges for one approach, although I can't attest
to its endurance:

Double-click the object in the doc, then select & copy the range of data to
be plotted.

In the destination wkbk select a starting cell then go to Edit>Paste
Special, click the Paste Link: option & choose Excel 8.0 Format.

Another possibility is that you want to have the data entered in the doc &
the chart based on it displayed as the embedded XL object. If that's it,
copy the data in the embedded object, set the chart sheet to display, then
go back into the doc & use Edit>Paste Special - Paste Link: & select either
Formatted or Unformatted Text. Either will give you a Word table or tabbed
text linked to the objects data range. When you edit the data in the object
the content of the table will update.

Either of the above can be rather fragile, so if I'm at all on track with
either guess (especially the latter), why not just use Word's
Insert>Picture>Chart feature to create the chart in the first place & invoke
the option to display the Data Table?

If this isn't what you have in mind I don't know what to suggest but perhaps
someone else will.
Actually, I am using a unlinked embedded excel sheet. I don't want to link
to an external workbook because I want the word document to stand on its own.
Hi =?Utf-8?B?V2F6b29saQ==?=,
How can I use named dynamic ranges in a chart object in an embedded Excel
sheet in a Word document? The normal syntax uses the workbook name, but I
don;t know what the workbook name is for an embedded sheet.
There is no reliable way to link the data in one embedded Excel object to a
different embedded Excel object. Depending on the version of Word, you can
sometimes get a link for the duration of the time the document is open. But
as soon as it's closed, the link information is lost.

If you can't use an external file, then you're going to need a programmed
solution (non-trivial) that updates the table in the object showing the chart
from the object with the worksheet.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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