Email addresses



I need to know how many email addresses i can send to at one time using BCC

I copy and pasted about 1600 and they did not all fit



There is no limit in Outlook - but your ISP can set the limits - first of
all ask your ISP. It is better to do the mail merging from word - please read

Use Word's MailMerge feature to send the same message to a list of
recipients. Word sends a separate message to each recipient. Instead
of sending 1 message to N recipients, you end up sending N messages
(which obviously will take longer for the N mail sessions versus the 1
mail session). I believe Word will instigate a mail session for each
message sent; i.e., the messages don't pile up in the Outbox and then
the messages altogether get sent on one mail poll. It might depend on
how you have Outlook configured (regarding the "send immediately"

Be careful regarding your ISP's quotas. Many ISPs now implement a
"maximum mail sessions per minute" quota. Mine limits me to 10 mail
sessions per minute. So if you were sending to 100 recipients where
Word is creating a separate message to each one which resulted in 100
mail sessions then you could only send 10 per minute (and get errors on
the rest) and it might take 10 minutes to send all 100 messages
(provided Outlook doesn't puke with the messages stuck in its Outbox and
you would have to open each to Send to change its status to they got
sent on the next mail poll).

If you are sending to just a couple dozen recipients and doing so
repeatedly, use Bcc or Word's MailMerge. If you are repeatedly sending
hundreds, or more, of messages then stop trying to use Outlook as a bulk
mailing program. It is an end-user program. It is an e-mail *client*,
not a server. Look into getting a bulk mailer. probably has some mention of bulk mailers, and
a Google search will find them, too. If you don't want to waste your
computer's resources running the bulk mailer then subscribe to a bulk
mailing service where you send a list of the recipients and a copy of
the message and let it do the work for you.

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