electronics guys...where to learn about valve amplifiers?

Dunno, have you tried a google?

I have some excellent old books on the subject, also some copies of the old Elektor magazine articles, and circuit diagrams for the two monoblocks I built.

But atm they're buried away somewhere, I could dig them out and scan them if you're interested, but you may have to wait a few weeks.

I'm still looking for a decent preamp at a fair price, either valve or solid state, all I've ever used these things with is a Citronics Disco Mixer, but they sounded real good, and only 10 watts per ch.
Originally posted by MooseMan
title says it...

Try this for a starter! :D

I will post more links later which I find appropriate

Let us know what you think of these pages
Can't see a link Quadophile.

There are plenty of books out there on the subject. Try the usual book places and also worth looking in the book section of Farnell / RS / Maplin. I'm sure you'll also find some back issues of maplins magazine with related projects.