DVD drive not working



OK, i have a Philips DVD+RW DVD8631 on a dell dimension xps gen 3. The drive
reads cds perfctly yet it doesn't read or burn DVDs. I have tried using
numerous different programs to play DVDs but whenever I put a disk in it it
just says: no disk in drive. I downloaded and installed a new decoder for it
but it still dosen't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Is this DVD part of the original configuration as sold to you by DELL.

If so call up their tech support.

If not, it is more than likely that the drive is NBG and needs replacing.


davipatti said:
OK, i have a Philips DVD+RW DVD8631 on a dell dimension xps gen 3. The drive
reads cds perfctly yet it doesn't read or burn DVDs. I have tried using
numerous different programs to play DVDs but whenever I put a disk in it it
just says: no disk in drive. I downloaded and installed a new decoder for it
but it still dosen't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated...


I have exactly the same problem with a brand new Freecom external DVD writer
attached to an 18 month old Dell Inspiron 5100 Laptop running XP with SP2.
Perhaps it is something to do with my laptop having only USB1 ports. Is it
possible to attach a USB2 replicator?

Thomas Wendell

In your laptop you need a PCMCIA card with USB2 ports. Costs is somewhere
about 40$, I guess

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