Drive icons and descriptions are mis-associated...



I recently had to burn down my machine and reinstall everything - in doing so
I developed an annoyance that I can't figure out how to correct - I have a
USB media reader that can read Memory Sticks, compact flash, smart disks,
etc... and this reader adds 4 drives to my machine. I also have 2 internal
hard drives, a DVD drive, and a CD drive on this machine.

For some reason the icon and description for one of the "drives" that the
meadia reader provides has attached itself to my DVD drive, and the media
reader drive has adopted the "generic removable drive" icon. I cannot figure
out how to get the proper icon and description associated with the correct

When a disk is inserted into the DVD drive, the DVD drive adopts the icon
and description from the disk - but when empty, it reverts back to the
SmartMedia icon and description.

I have disabled all of the drives in the device manager, and added them back
one by one, thinking that this would reassociate the proper icon with the
proper drive, but to no avail. I have uninstalled the driver for the smart
media drive and let PNP replace it in the machine, but that didn't work.
It's really just an annoyance (or at least I think it's just an annoyance)
but I would like to get this corrected if there's a way to do it.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,




Try: Go to Start/Run and type in: regsvr32 /i shell32. If that doesn't
help, go to Windows Explorer/Tools/Folder Options and reset all folders.
More info it needed and good luck!


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP



No joy...

The dll registered without problem, and all folders were reset, but the
drive icons remain incorrectly assigned. I discovered also that the icons
for the media reader drives are also scrambled, meaning that the memory stick
icon is associated with the compact flash drive, etc...

What are the next steps?


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