Does Michael Dell Use Vista?



Doris Day said:
Interesting observation coming from a Wintard running Outlook Express.

Love and Kisses,

Interesting that you "assume" that this is my only machine. In this world
some tasks require MS products, but of course your rose colored glasses
won't allow you to see this fact.

The fact that Ubuntu is the new kid on the block does not mean its the best
thing to come from the nix distro's. The fact is it is a candyassed OS and
is nowhere near as reliable or functional as some of the older and more
solid distro's. Hell, I would rather run Suze than run Ubunto on anything I
own, and thats saying alot since it has been basically ruined by Novell.

Now if you want to talk a swet OS, then run a Slack box. Even better one
that has been streamlined to run only neccisary or wanted background
processes, and you will have one great running machine.

Ubunto is no better than Windows, they are both heavy and bloated running
way to much crap to be productive.




Dan said:
Interesting that you "assume" that this is my only machine. In this world
some tasks require MS products, but of course your rose colored glasses
won't allow you to see this fact.

The fact that Ubuntu is the new kid on the block does not mean its the best
thing to come from the nix distro's. The fact is it is a candyassed OS and
is nowhere near as reliable or functional as some of the older and more
solid distro's. Hell, I would rather run Suze than run Ubunto on anything I
own, and thats saying alot since it has been basically ruined by Novell.

Now if you want to talk a swet OS, then run a Slack box. Even better one
that has been streamlined to run only neccisary or wanted background
processes, and you will have one great running machine.

Ubunto is no better than Windows, they are both heavy and bloated running
way to much crap to be productive.



Well, one task your obsolete OE doesn't do is check your spelling as you
write. I assume your signing your post twice was your mistake, not OE's.

Ubuntu now runs MS apps like Office and Adobe apps like Photoshop so I
guess you're not up-to-date on what's available with Ubuntu.



Ubuntu now runs MS apps like Office and Adobe apps like Photoshop so I
guess you're not up-to-date on what's available with Ubuntu.

I never said anything to the contrary. Why would I want to run Adobe or MS
apps on a Nix os when there are better alternatives that will run natively
within nix?

The fact that you are on the Ubuntu bandwagon takes away your credibility.
Run a real nix OS sometime, configure it to your liking, and get rid of all
the candyassed crap that just gets in the way of a functioning desktop


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