Does Michael Dell Use Vista?



Richard said:
Maybe that is why Dell's sales are taking a nose dive lately.

Erm, Dells come with Windows still. The Linux desk top for the end user
hasn't been offered yet.



Tom said:
So how many folks who have four computers at home aren't running Linux
on at least one of them? But then again, how many folks have four
computers at home?

Dell has Linux on one laptop, Vista Ultimate on two other laptops and
Vista Ultimate on a XPS system. In addition, he runs Vista Ultimate on
his work machine. So you could say Michael Dell prefers Windows Vista
Ultimate to Ubuntu 4 to 1.

He is running a version of Linux that just came out. One could say he is
making a transition. I have XP on two computers, Ubuntu on one. I am
making the transition.



He is using Ubuntu 7.04, aka Feisty Fawn. It just came out today. Even a
Michael Dell needs to have the time to make a transition from an all
intrusive, buggy and non user friendly OS like Windows to a real OS.


Not really, vista has been out for a couple of months now. If he were
really interested he could have installed already available Linux releases.


Frank said:
Oh yes Doris! I'm waiting with baited breath for my dl to complete so I
too can run all of my Adobe software, my Corel software, my Microsoft
software, My Nero software.
It will all work right?

Ubuntu comes with comparable apps.


Doris Day

Frank said:
Oh yes Doris! I'm waiting with baited breath for my dl to complete so I
too can run all of my Adobe software, my Corel software, my Microsoft
software, My Nero software.
It will all work right?

Frankie, my boy. You should really get your small mind out of the gutter.
There are tens of thousands of very good apps that are free and just a
click away when one is running Ubuntu. One can easily find great
replacements for that commercial bloatware you seem so hooked on. For
everyone else, Ubuntu makes a great alternative. With the latest Ubuntu,
it's a very good replacement for Vista or XP. Those Windows users who want
to escape from the never-ending cost plus of using Microsoft's toy
operating systems, Feisty Fawn is the answer.

Love and Kisses,


Doris said:
Frank wrote:

Frankie, my boy. You should really get your small mind out of the gutter.
There are tens of thousands of very good apps that are free and just a
click away when one is running Ubuntu. One can easily find great
replacements for that commercial bloatware you seem so hooked on. For
everyone else, Ubuntu makes a great alternative. With the latest Ubuntu,
it's a very good replacement for Vista or XP. Those Windows users who want
to escape from the never-ending cost plus of using Microsoft's toy
operating systems, Feisty Fawn is the answer.

Love and Kisses,

Oh Doris, that's wonderful news! Imagine being able to import and open
all those thousand of customer files I have and retain the original
formating. It's like a miracle come true.
I get goose bumps just thinking about it.
But it sounds too good to be true.
It is true isn't it Doris?

Doris Day

Frank said:
Oh Doris, that's wonderful news! Imagine being able to import and open
all those thousand of customer files I have and retain the original
formating. It's like a miracle come true.
I get goose bumps just thinking about it.
But it sounds too good to be true.
It is true isn't it Doris?

I wasn't talking about YOU installing Ubuntu. I was talking about those
intelligent enough within the Windows community who are looking for a real
alternative. You, I'm afraid is a lost cause. I'd hope that YOU never come
over to the Ubuntu community. We don't need Wintards like you here.

Love and Kisses,


Doris said:
Frank wrote:

I wasn't talking about YOU installing Ubuntu. I was talking about those
intelligent enough within the Windows community who are looking for a real
alternative. You, I'm afraid is a lost cause. I'd hope that YOU never come
over to the Ubuntu community. We don't need Wintards like you here.

Love and Kisses,

Oh my Doris! Wrong time of the month...again? Didn't you just have...oh
never mind. Things just seem to fall apart when we get older, don't
they? It happens to the best of us...well sometimes.
Oh, I need to go, my download is almost complete!
I'm sooo excited about the anticipated results you told me about.
Aren't you?


Doris Day said:
I wasn't talking about YOU installing Ubuntu. I was talking about those
intelligent enough within the Windows community who are looking for a real
alternative. You, I'm afraid is a lost cause. I'd hope that YOU never come
over to the Ubuntu community. We don't need Wintards like you here.

Why would anyone install Ubuntu when there are tons of better alternatives,
such as Slackware. A much better OS without the candyassed crap.


Doris Day

Dan said:
Why would anyone install Ubuntu when there are tons of better
alternatives, such as Slackware. A much better OS without the candyassed


Interesting observation coming from a Wintard running Outlook Express.

Love and Kisses,


I can see business tripping over itself to change....... NOT!

Does Ubuntu come with a Marketing Department? Well get a better one.

- Vusta

: Frank wrote:
: > Doris Day wrote:
: >> Alias wrote:
: >>
: >>
: >>> Nope, he uses Ubuntu!
: >>>
: >>>,1895,2115645,00.asp
: >>>
: >>> LOL!
: >>>
: >>> Microsoft's days are numbered.
: >>>
: >>> Alias
: >>
: >>
: >>
: >>
: >> This is what the computer world has been waiting for! A REAL
: >> replacement for
: >> Vista. :)
: >>
: >> Love and Kisses,
: >> Doris
: >>
: >>
: > Oh yes Doris! I'm waiting with baited breath for my dl to complete so I
: > too can run all of my Adobe software, my Corel software, my Microsoft
: > software, My Nero software.
: > It will all work right?
: > Frank
: Ubuntu comes with comparable apps.
: Alias


Vusta said:
I can see business tripping over itself to change....... NOT!

You mean businesses that don't know any better.
Does Ubuntu come with a Marketing Department? Well get a better one.

- Vusta

Word of mouth is the best advertising, bar none.


Dale M. White

Interesting observation coming from a Wintard running Outlook Express.

Love and Kisses,

And thus the battle rages on in the Linux community, My Distro is better
than yours. But at least all penguin heads are consistent in calling Windows
users Wintards. Nothing draws flies like vinegar

Tom Porterfield

Alias said:
He is running a version of Linux that just came out. One could say he is
making a transition. I have XP on two computers, Ubuntu on one. I am
making the transition.

He is also using a version of Windows that just came up. One could draw
a lot of meaningless conclusions and say pretty much anything they
wanted to about them.
Tom Porterfield
MS-MVP Windows

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup only.


Tom said:
He is also using a version of Windows that just came up.

Last November is not "just came up".
One could draw
a lot of meaningless conclusions and say pretty much anything they
wanted to about them.

Five years ago he wasn't using Linux even though it was available. Now
he is. There is only one logical conclusion.


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