Display email address on send...?




I run Outlook 2000 with Win 2000...

When I used to click Send | To my contacts displayed, and if
I clicked on one, that persons email address was entered in
the send field.

Now, (though I am not aware of having made any change in
settings), when I do the same, the contact's name, rather
than email address displays.

How can I change it back?

Sincere thanks,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Normal behavior in Outlook 2000.
If you want you can change the Display Name for each contact, but only in
Corp/Workgroup mode. I can't think of any reason you'd need to.


Normal behavior in Outlook 2000.
If you want you can change the Display Name for each contact, but only in
Corp/Workgroup mode. I can't think of any reason you'd need to.

Hi Russ,

I have a number of contacts with multiple email addresses,
and so feel better if I can see 'em as I compose messages.

I recently switched from "Corporate & Workgroup" to
"Internet Only" (because I am no longer using Microsoft
Mail) and that, no doubt, is the reason for this display

I made the switch to Internet Only without considering the
issue further.

Is there any reason that I could (or should) not go back to
my original setting?

Thanks for your thoughts,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

You downgraded to an incomplete version of Outlook that no longer has the
capacity to support the Outlook Address Book.
It's your choice which mail support mode you use. Only Corp/Workgroup mode
allows you to see which email address you are selecting from the Outlook
Address Book. Corp/Workgroup is a real dinosaur if you're only using simple
Internet Mail transports.


You downgraded to an incomplete version of Outlook that no longer has the
capacity to support the Outlook Address Book.
It's your choice which mail support mode you use. Only Corp/Workgroup mode
allows you to see which email address you are selecting from the Outlook
Address Book. Corp/Workgroup is a real dinosaur if you're only using simple
Internet Mail transports.

Hi again Russ,

Do you mean that I "downgraded" when I went from
"Corp/Workgroup" to "Internet Only" or the other way 'round?

If I went back to "Corp/Workgroup" would I be losing
anything in features, convenience, etc.?

Thanks again,

Brian Tillman

Kenneth said:
Do you mean that I "downgraded" when I went from
"Corp/Workgroup" to "Internet Only" or the other way 'round?

I believe that's what Russ meant, yes.
If I went back to "Corp/Workgroup" would I be losing
anything in features, convenience, etc.?

Corporate/Workgroup mode supports Exchange and POP accounts. IMO supports
IMAP and POP accounts. When I used Outlook 2000, I used it in CW mode
because it allowed access to the underlying services. I used it exclusively
for internet mail via a POP account at home and it worked fine that way.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Corp/Workgroup is the only full version of Outlook 2000. It supports all
MAPI transports and the Outlook Address Book. That is what permits you to
select each individual email address from the Outlook Address Book. However,
it is an extremely slow and cumbersome process to use Corp/Workgroup only to
access simple internet mail protocols. Each mail poll consumes Outlook and
most of your system's resources and you can do little else when mail polling
occurs. That's why Internet Mail Only mode was released alongside
Corp/Workgroup--because it is able to handle simple Internet transports more
easily. But you give up a lot of other functionality with IMO.


Corp/Workgroup is the only full version of Outlook 2000. It supports all
MAPI transports and the Outlook Address Book. That is what permits you to
select each individual email address from the Outlook Address Book. However,
it is an extremely slow and cumbersome process to use Corp/Workgroup only to
access simple internet mail protocols. Each mail poll consumes Outlook and
most of your system's resources and you can do little else when mail polling
occurs. That's why Internet Mail Only mode was released alongside
Corp/Workgroup--because it is able to handle simple Internet transports more
easily. But you give up a lot of other functionality with IMO.

Hi Russ,

Sincere thanks, again,

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