Disk Usage app for network drive?


Donald Lessau

Anybody know of a free app that will let you scan folder and file sizes
on a network drive?

In TrackerV3 simply press Shift+F5 to calculate and show the folder sizes of
all currently listed folders. This works the same on local and network
-> http://www.trackerv3.com/



Il /31 ott 2005/, ** ha scritto:
Anybody know of a free app that will let you scan folder and file
sizes on a network drive?

I prefer Scanner by Steffen Gerlach,
http://www.steffengerlach.de/freeware/ , it's a full graphical program
to look at file sizes, and no-install ... the only drawback is that it
doesn't understand well "compressed" folders, but if you haven't all
is OK. Ciao.

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