Links to Freeware Update August 31, 2004.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Henk de Jong
  • Start date Start date

Henk de Jong

This is an update of the new, the updated and the removed links
on Links to Freeware at or or (currently 1831 working links

NEW additions are ...

---- In the FREEWARE section ----

Four freeware applications: Software Collector, 3D Creator, 3D
Vector and Tunnelizer.

AxiomX Multimedia (3 dots)
Various freeware utilities and a nice collection of free graphics

B-Labs Software (1 dot)
Besides some shareware products also two freeware products
available: Bopup Observer and Bopup Scanner.

Dark Street Development (2 dots)
Four freeware utilities: Meta Tag Expert, HTML CipHer, JavaScript
Utility Suite and Website Mentor.

Downloads 4 All (3 dots)
A new freeware site with software for Windows and the PDA.
{Also in the FREEWARE - PDA/HANDHELD section}

GEJO Digi-Fotolog (dutch) (3 dots)
option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 (link wraps)
A very nice collection of freeware graphics tools on this Dutch-
spoken site. - No, he's no family -.

Herrmann Stern (2 dots)
One freeware program for Windows - Picture Viewer - and a couple of
freeware programs and a game for Unix.
{Also in the FREEWARE - OTHER OS section}

Kankowski's Homepage (3 dots)
A collection of some categorized freeware applications and
utilities here.

Kurt Zimmermann software (3 dots)
A couple of home-made freeware utilities here: HDCleaner,
OnlineCharger, RegCool and more.

Manatee Software (1 dot)
One freeware network utility and a free game - AniMatch -.
{Also in the FREEWARE - GAMES section}

Marco Pontello's Home (italian) (3 dots)
Some freeware utilities for Windows, DOS and for programming on
this mainly Italian-spoken site.
{Also in the FREEWARE - DOS section and in the FREEWARE -

PHaX's programs (3 dots)
A couple of freeware home-made utilities for Windows and DOS.
{Also in the FREEWARE - DOS section}

rGyani Zone (2 dots)
Three freeware utilities: WinWinner, WinDialer and WallWinner and
two games: Tic Tac Toe and Love Calci.
{Also in the FREEWARE - GAMES section}

Silvercode Software (1 dot)
One freeware application: Diaphanous Rotation 3D and a freeware
{Also in the FREEWARE - SCREENSAVERS section}

A lot of categorized freeware applications and utilities on this, a
little hard to read, site.

The Geek Hangout (2 dots)
Besides a lot of shareware programs also some freeware ones
available here.

TheAlas - Software (1 dot)
Two freeware applications: IconMaster and Smart Calculator.

VanDerLee (2 dots)
Two freeware utilities: FontBrowser and Plugin Setup, two little
games and some free plugins for Photoshop.
{Also in the FREEWARE - GAMES section}

Veign (3 dots)
Six freeware applications and two programming utilities here.
{Also in the FREEWARE - PROGRAMMING section}

Virdi Software (2 dots)
Besides some shareware utilities also five freeware ones: V-Mailer,
Text2Web Pro, FAQGenie, EyeOnSite and V-CamShow.

WinTotal - Software (german)
Besides a lot of shareware programs also a lot of freeware ones can
be found on this German-spoken site.

In the FREEWARE - LINUX section:

The Ultimate Linux Freeware Site (4 dots)
A nice collection of categorized freeware applications and
utilities for Linux.

In the FREEWARE - GAMES section:

Spielkultur (3 dots)
A couple of freeware games on this site.

In the FREEWARE - MAC section:

Mac Games and More (4 dots)
A lot of freeware games and screensavers for the Mac.
{Also in the FREEWARE - SCREENSAVERS section}

Staz Software, Inc. (2 dots)
Besides a couple of shareware programs also some freeware ones
programmed in FutureBasic for the Mac.

---- EARLIER reported OFFLINE, back online again ----

In the FREEWARE section:

Max Computing Online


---- REMOVED links ----

From the FREEWARE section:
{404 - not found}
{Also from the FREEWARE - PROGRAMMING section}
{404 - not found} (danish)
{404 - not found}

---- Note ----

Links are removed from my page when I have tried
for 4 times to reach them without any success.

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (remove NOSPAM)
"Links to Freeware" or
Henk said:
This is an update of the new, the updated and the removed links

BTW, if you want to suppress the links from showing up in my daily
postings, you can put the following text at the start of a line in your
BTW, if you want to suppress the links from showing up in my daily
Huh???? I really do not understand what you mean :-(

Your link postings appear in my daily link summary. If you would like
them to be unlisted, then add the following text to your message:
Ping with Sam Spade: no such host
I'll keep trying, but maybe it's a Dutch problem :-)

No problems from Sweden, using Opera.

Must be a DNS problem for you, or a hosts file.

You could try finding a better DNS server than the one your ISP supplies.

Maybe one of these is better:

"You can freely use any of these servers instead of your ISP's nameservers if you want to be able to see ALL the domain names on
the net, not just the ones in the US Government controlled nameservers. You will, of course be able to see all the "old" domain
names like .com, but you'll also be able to see all the ORSC new top level domains, too. If you need instructions on how to use
these please see our instructions. (PS0.NS1.VRX.NET) - Toronto, ON, Canada (PS0.NS3.VRX.NET) - Richmond Hill, ON, Canada (PS0.NS2.VRX.NET) - Apopka, Fl (NL.PUBLIC.BASESERVERS.NET) - Nederlands (NS1.QUASAR.NET) - Orlando, FL, USA (ZOLIBORZ.ELEKTRON.PL) - Poland (NS1.JERKY.NET) - Boston, MA, USA (PAN.BIJT.NET) - The Netherlands"

Or search for "alternative dns" on google.
Roger Johansson wrote on 1-9-2004 :
No problems from Sweden, using Opera.

Must be a DNS problem for you, or a hosts file.

You could try finding a better DNS server than the one your ISP supplies.

Maybe one of these is better:

"You can freely use any of these servers instead of your ISP's nameservers if
you want to be able to see ALL the domain names on the net, not just the
ones in the US Government controlled nameservers. You will, of course be able
to see all the "old" domain names like .com, but you'll also be able to see
all the ORSC new top level domains, too. If you need instructions on how to
use these please see our instructions. (PS0.NS1.VRX.NET) -
Toronto, ON, Canada (PS0.NS3.VRX.NET) - Richmond Hill, ON,
Canada (PS0.NS2.VRX.NET) - Apopka, Fl
Orlando, FL, USA (ZOLIBORZ.ELEKTRON.PL) - Poland (NS1.JERKY.NET) - Boston, MA, USA (PAN.BIJT.NET) - The Netherlands"

Or search for "alternative dns" on google.

I already use 2 other DNS servers ( and because the
DNS server of my cable-ISP (@Home) is highly unreliable. I just checked
the DNS servers I have in my router and they are not changed and still
the two I already mentioned above. But I keep trying :-)

BTW, still '404' here :-(

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (Remove _NO_SPAM_)
'Links to Freeware'
Henk de Jong wrote on 1-9-2004 :
Roger Johansson wrote on 1-9-2004 :

I already use 2 other DNS servers ( and because the DNS
server of my cable-ISP (@Home) is highly unreliable. I just checked the DNS
servers I have in my router and they are not changed and still the two I
already mentioned above. But I keep trying :-)

BTW, still '404' here :-(

Just tried a couple of things:
DNS server of @Home, combined with the DNS server of hccnet: 404.
DNS server of hccnet, combined with DNS server of tue: 404.
DNS server of @home, combined with DNS server of tue: 404.
DNS server of Demon (another ISP here in the Netherlands), combined
with DNS server of tue: BINGO!!

I'll add again with my next update.

Thank you all!

Woth kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (Remove _NO_SPAM_)
'Links to Freeware'
Henk de Jong said:
Just tried a couple of things:
DNS server of @Home, combined with the DNS server of hccnet: 404.
DNS server of hccnet, combined with DNS server of tue: 404.
DNS server of @home, combined with DNS server of tue: 404.
DNS server of Demon (another ISP here in the Netherlands), combined
with DNS server of tue: BINGO!!

I'll add again with my next update.

I wonder why you think you need to combine two dns server.

Normally you have two fields for dns servers to set up in your network settings.
And you write them in as numbers, not names.
Only the first is used normally, the second is an alternative in case the IP number could not be found through the first.
You need only one, if that one is working.

If you put a good dns server, which has a complete and updated list of server names and numbers, as your first dns, the second is
only used for url names which do not exist in the first dns.
So the second dns server will not help. If the entry did not exist in the first it doesn't exist at all.
From your tests above we can see that only the Demon server is working as it should. When you put it as first dns server it works.

A little explanation of dns servers in general:
When we write the url in the form of a name, in the address field in a browser, or as a newsserver name in the news program, these
names have to be translated to IP numbers to find it on internet.

So the computer has to ask a DNS server for the IP number before contact can be made, every time your computer tries to connect.
It first tries calling the first DNS server to get the IP number for that address.
If that fails it tries the second DNS server.

You can make your mail program or newsreader faster if you give it the IP number of your mail server or news service instead of the
name. No translation is needed.
On the other hand, if your mail service or news service changes the IP number for some reason, you will have to know about that
and manually change the number to keep in contact.

DNS servers all over the world are continually updated to keep a complete and updated list of names and IP numbers.
If this updating does not work for a DNS server the translation does not work as it should, usually because your ISP is lazy and
does not keep the equipment running and connected to the DNS network as it should. Or a whole group of DNS servers have lost
contact with the DNS network. This seems to be the case for your group of non-working DNS servers in Holland at the moment.
Roger said:
I wonder why you think you need to combine two dns server.

I know there is no real need to do this. It's more and less a habit,
based on some bad expierences with my cable-ISP. Back in 2001, when I
got cable, there connection was very poor, and I had numerous
conversations with my cable-ISP about that. They told me time after
time that I had to use their DNS-servers for my connection. After a
couple of weeks I got very sick and tired of that and asked for some
advice by other @Home-cable-users. They adviced me to change the
DNS-servers, and so I did. Because I also was a member of HCC, a Dutch
computerclub, and my youngest son is studying at the Technical
University in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) is seemed a good idea to me
to use the DNS-servers they offer. And that worked very good for me
from that time on. Until today. I changed the HCC DNS-server to the
Demon DNS-server.
If you put a good dns server, which has a complete and updated list of server
names and numbers, as your first dns, the second is only used for url names
which do not exist in the first dns. So the second dns server will not help.
If the entry did not exist in the first it doesn't exist at all. From your
tests above we can see that only the Demon server is working as it should.
When you put it as first dns server it works.

A little explanation of dns servers in general:
When we write the url in the form of a name, in the address field in a
browser, or as a newsserver name in the news program, these names have to be
translated to IP numbers to find it on internet.

So the computer has to ask a DNS server for the IP number before contact can
be made, every time your computer tries to connect. It first tries calling
the first DNS server to get the IP number for that address. If that fails it
tries the second DNS server.

That's exactly the same explination I give to people who ask me what
the use is of DNS-servers :-)
You can make your mail program or newsreader faster if you give it the IP
number of your mail server or news service instead of the name. No
translation is needed. On the other hand, if your mail service or news
service changes the IP number for some reason, you will have to know about
that and manually change the number to keep in contact.

Not exactly true. An example: the news server of my cable-ISP is very,
very poor. The retention-time in some graphics-groups is less than 12
hours. Many, many users have complained, and as a result that ISP is
testing a new news-server at this moment. Somebody in an other group
noticed that this test-server was 'on the air', and mentioned this. So
a lot of users logged in on that server, but didn't get any connection
because there were too many people who wanted to try this. So did I,
but also got no connection. After I had obtained the IP-adress of that
server, there was no problem, it seemed. But....@home traced me, and
asked me very politely to use the name of the server, and not the
IP-adress. But: I don't. Bad boy, isn't it? :-))
DNS servers all over the world are continually updated to keep a complete and
updated list of names and IP numbers. If this updating does not work for a
DNS server the translation does not work as it should, usually because your
ISP is lazy and does not keep the equipment running and connected to the DNS
network as it should. Or a whole group of DNS servers have lost contact with
the DNS network. This seems to be the case for your group of non-working DNS
servers in Holland at the moment.

I don't know if this is a standard for the whole world, but when I
registered my domain-name, they told me that it
would take at least 48 hours, before everybody could reach that domain.

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (Remove _NO_SPAM_)
'Links to Freeware'