Disk Cleanup problem



Hi all,

For some reason, when I try t run disk cleanup, it doesn't actually do
anything? I've deleted the temp files, as per help and support, but this
hasn't helped. I thought it could be a virus, but my protection is up to
date and isn't picking up anything either. Can someone please help? Thanks!


Google for a free program called "ccleaner". Very good program for what you
want. Read the documentation first.
NEVER download files from anywhere unless it is from the website of the
developer, manufacturer or some entity that you trust. They ALWAYS have the
most up to date files that haven't been tampered with by some third party
who is "hosting" (read Leeching) those files without permission.


Yes but I don't get to cpmpress any files, I ask to disk cleanup and it says
"Choose disk" so I do that and then nothing

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