Disabled Win XP logon screen, now PC locks at "Windows Starting"



I wanted to disable the Win (Home Edition) XP logon screen and entered in the Run dialogue box, "control userpasswords2". (There used to be two users on this PC. Once one was deleted, it asked for the only user to sign on. No password was required, however, it was an annoyance.) I obtained this fix from Annoyance.org site with the instructions that I followed to try to eliminate this annoynace. http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article04-103. I did exactly as it stated, however, now my PC locks up at the "Starting Windows" screen. It will go no further. An error message flashes very quickly when booting which I'm unable to read or click on, so I have no idea what it says. I can get to the startup menu by pressing F2 during the boot process and make changes but I don't know what to do... Also, it's a Dell PC and I have the CD to reload windows. I don't want to do that if possible; at this point, it won't boot from the CD. I want to try to start in Safe Mode, to make changes, but I'm not sure if XP has that or how to do it if it does exist. Any help would be very much appreciated. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR HELPING OUT WITH THIS...

Will Denny


Can you get into Safe Mode - keep hitting F8 after you reboot - and undo the damage that the 'annoyances' web site has done to your PC? If you follow that article, the default logon Account will be the Administrator!!!!

From Start>Run type in

control userpasswords2

then uncheck 'Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer' and click 'Apply'. On the next screen - 'Automatically Log On' - delete the name 'Administrator' from the User name box and enter your account name and then the password in the next two boxes. OK your way out and then reboot your system.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| I wanted to disable the Win (Home Edition) XP logon screen and entered in the Run dialogue box, "control userpasswords2". (There used to be two users on this PC. Once one was deleted, it asked for the only user to sign on. No password was required, however, it was an annoyance.) I obtained this fix from Annoyance.org site with the instructions that I followed to try to eliminate this annoynace. http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article04-103. I did exactly as it stated, however, now my PC locks up at the "Starting Windows" screen. It will go no further. An error message flashes very quickly when booting which I'm unable to read or click on, so I have no idea what it says. I can get to the startup menu by pressing F2 during the boot process and make changes but I don't know what to do... Also, it's a Dell PC and I have the CD to reload windows. I don't want to do that if possible; at this point, it won't boot from the CD. I want to try to start in Safe Mode, to make changes, but I'm not sure if XP has that or how to do it if it does exist. Any help would be very much appreciated. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR HELPING OUT WITH THIS...

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