I built a XPe runtime with RAM Reg mode EWF,then run FBA on a SanDisk
Removable CF(on secondary master IDE channel).
When FBA is completed, I know EWF is disabled as default properly by running
"ewfmgr c:"
I enable EWF normally too after installing my software.
However,I can't disable it by "ewfmgr c: -commitanddisable" as some
documents said,
so did the command "ewfmgr c: -disable"
All of two commands hang after printing the first line.
All I can do is restarting my machine.and EWF is still enabled .
When I come to the command "ewfmgr c: -commitanddisable -live", it is OK to
disable EWF and commit data.
Is it normal in this case?
I wonder if it is only the "ewfmgr c: -commitanddisable -live" that is valid
in SP2 RAM Reg mode EWF with removable CF.
I am confused about RAM Reg mode EWF notwithstanding I search so much
resource by google.
My XPe configuration is a reduced one buided with SP2.
I think I have added enouch dependency and customization for EWF.
Moreover, It is stange that EWF didn't work when I copy the post-FBA image
from one CF card to the other CFs.
The other CFs image report the following error when running "ewfmgr c:":
"Error getting protect volume configuration information with errror 1"
I just install CFs in the same IDE channel.
Now I only deploy my pre-FBA image to all devices.
It is a painful experience.
Any helps will be greatly appreciated.
I have added the following extra registry entry:
I verified the following components in my project:
Background Disk defragmentation Disable
Class Installer: storage volumes
volume shadow copy service
Pnp (user mode)
Removable storage service
"Enhanced Write Filter" component is modified as "Microsoft Windows XP
embedded help"
The following message is reported just after FBA finished:
Protected Volume Configuation
Type: RAM(REG)
State: Disabled
Boot Command: NO_CMD
param1 0
param2 0
Volume ID: 20 46 21 46 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Device Name: "\Device\Harddisk0\DP(1)0-0+1"
Max levels: 1
Clump size: 512
current levels:1
Removable CF(on secondary master IDE channel).
When FBA is completed, I know EWF is disabled as default properly by running
"ewfmgr c:"
I enable EWF normally too after installing my software.
However,I can't disable it by "ewfmgr c: -commitanddisable" as some
documents said,
so did the command "ewfmgr c: -disable"
All of two commands hang after printing the first line.
All I can do is restarting my machine.and EWF is still enabled .
When I come to the command "ewfmgr c: -commitanddisable -live", it is OK to
disable EWF and commit data.
Is it normal in this case?
I wonder if it is only the "ewfmgr c: -commitanddisable -live" that is valid
in SP2 RAM Reg mode EWF with removable CF.
I am confused about RAM Reg mode EWF notwithstanding I search so much
resource by google.
My XPe configuration is a reduced one buided with SP2.
I think I have added enouch dependency and customization for EWF.
Moreover, It is stange that EWF didn't work when I copy the post-FBA image
from one CF card to the other CFs.
The other CFs image report the following error when running "ewfmgr c:":
"Error getting protect volume configuration information with errror 1"
I just install CFs in the same IDE channel.
Now I only deploy my pre-FBA image to all devices.
It is a painful experience.
Any helps will be greatly appreciated.
I have added the following extra registry entry:
I verified the following components in my project:
Background Disk defragmentation Disable
Class Installer: storage volumes
volume shadow copy service
Pnp (user mode)
Removable storage service
"Enhanced Write Filter" component is modified as "Microsoft Windows XP
embedded help"
The following message is reported just after FBA finished:
Protected Volume Configuation
Type: RAM(REG)
State: Disabled
Boot Command: NO_CMD
param1 0
param2 0
Volume ID: 20 46 21 46 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Device Name: "\Device\Harddisk0\DP(1)0-0+1"
Max levels: 1
Clump size: 512
current levels:1