Digital Vinyl CDR


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I thought I should report that I have used the Digital Vinyl CDR's offered by Verbatim and found them to be excellent performer's. Not only that, they look really nice and give you that feeling of nostalgia. :cool:

Check it out

Digital Vinyl CDR

For more information you may visit the website HERE

Happy Listening (burning)!:D
Oh they look fantastic and very nostalgic..i remember the old 45's...

Have to get some of these..being Verbatim quality won't be an issue...Gonna look good on the shelf...
These look pretty cool :thumb: Are they flat or ribbed at all?
Ian Cunningham said:
These look pretty cool :thumb: Are they flat or ribbed at all?

I could not believe when I touched the top surface, IT IS RIBBED and with samll gaps just as if the disk was divided into tracks (3 in all). One cannot make out if it is really the 45 RPM's or an aluminium disk, except those who have used the 45 RPM's will know that they are slightly bigger in diameter, with these disks they have to be 5" otherwise they won't fit the drive ;)
Quadophile said:
I could not believe when I touched the top surface, IT IS RIBBED and with samll gaps just as if the disk was divided into tracks (3 in all). One cannot make out if it is really the 45 RPM's or an aluminium disk, except those who have used the 45 RPM's will know that they are slightly bigger in diameter, with these disks they have to be 5" otherwise they won't fit the drive ;)

You should try playing one on a record player and see what it does ;)

I wonder how they can rib the surface of a CD!?
Ian Cunningham said:
You should try playing one on a record player and see what it does ;)

Well I will check it out tonight and see if what I burned on the surface of the dye is extracted from the other side by my humble Ortofon Cartridge on my Rega Planar 3 ;)
Cache-man said:
Wow, they look so neat. Where can I get them from? and how much?

I paid just under $3 for a 3 pack. Here is the link with some more information. I am not sure which shops in UK carry them so suggest you do a bit of "Googling" or "Froogling" ;)

If anyone know which stores carry them or where they can be bought online in UK please post here on the thread for the benefit of others who may be interested in acquiring them :)

Digital Vinyl 3 Pack with Jewel Case
Has anyone else had any luck finding these in the UK yet, I can't seem to find them anywhere.