Digital Signatures viewing and removing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wesley Vogel
  • Start date Start date

Wesley Vogel

It depends on what kind of file. Some cannot be reomoved like a device
driver with a digital signature. E-mails with a digital signature. For an
MS Office document that is digitally signed.

From Office XP HELP:

Remove a digital signature
Do one of the following:

Remove a digital signature from a file
1 On the Tools menu, click Options.
2 Click the Security tab.
3 Click Digital Signatures.
4 Select the signature you want to remove, and then click Remove.

Remove a digital signature from a macro project
1 Open the file that contains the macro project (macro project: A collection
of components, including forms, code, and class modules, that make up a
macro. Macro projects created in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications can
be included in add-ins and in most Microsoft Office programs.) from which
you want to remove the signature.
2 On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Visual Basic Editor.
3 In the Project Explorer, select the project from which you want to remove
the signature.
4 On the Tools menu, click Digital Signature.
5 Click Remove.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Fix your clock or your time zone. You are posting from the future.

From your message header...
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 17:27:43 -0500

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Where are digital signatures located in Winxp? How can I view and remove
What is your problem!!!!

Wesley Vogel said:
Fix your clock or your time zone. You are posting from the future.

From your message header...
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 17:27:43 -0500

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Refining the question, is there a general repository of "Digital Signatures"
where all signed certificates can be viewed and removed if desired?
I do not have a problem. You did or do.

Windows uses the time setting to identify when files are created or

[[The date set on your computer is inaccurate. Internet time servers will
not synchronize your clock if the date is incorrect. Ensure that the date is
set correctly in Date and Time Properties in Control Panel. ]]
Synchronizing your computer clock

Outlook Express
[[When you send a message, a copy of the message may not be saved in the
Sent Items folder, and you may not receive an error message. ]]
[[This behavior can occur for any of the following reasons:
The system clock is not set correctly.]]
OLEXP: Sent Messages May Not Be Saved in the Sent Items Folder

[[or is set correctly but an incorrect time zone has been selected. ]]
Message sent or received time is incorrect in Outlook Express

[[This issue may occur if the computer's date and time are not set to the
current date and time.]]
You receive a "Validation Incomplete: Online Validation Failure" error
message or a "0x80080204" error code when you try to validate Windows XP

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

What are you trying to accomplish? Is this a secret?
Refining the question, is there a general repository of "Digital
Signatures" where all signed certificates can be viewed and removed if

No for signatures. Signatures are part of a file. Yes for certificates.
Certificates are a file.

For example, right click almost any .dll file | Click Properties | Click the
Digital Signature tab | Highlight one in the Signature list | Click the
Details button

The Certificates snap-in allows you to browse the contents of the
certificate stores for yourself, a service, or a computer. To open...
Start | Run | Type: certmgr.msc | Click OK

Open Internet Properties...
Start | Run | Type: inetcpl.cpl | Click OK |
Content tab | Certificates button | Click a tab | Highlight a certificate |
Click the Remove button

Certificates button...
[[Click this to require that secure Web sites send their security
certificates before you send them information. Secure Web sites send
Internet Explorer a certificate that provides certain information about
security for that site. Certificates are issued to a particular organization
for a specific period of time. Internet Explorer verifies the Internet
address stored in the certificate and that the current date precedes the
expiration date. If there is a problem, Internet Explorer can display a
warning. Viewing information almost never presents a security risk, but
sending information, such as your credit-card number, often does. Therefore,
you might want to disable the warnings for viewing Web pages but retain them
for sending information.]]

Don't remove any of these...
Trusted Root Certificates That Are Required By Windows 2000, Windows XP, and
Windows Server 2003

How to Remove a Root Certificate from the Trusted Root Store

Unable to Manually Delete Certificate Authority from Trusted Root

C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here\Application

C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Application

Description of digital certificates

To delete a certificate
1 Open Certificates.
2 Do one of the following:
* If you are in Logical Certificate Stores view mode, in the console tree,
click Certificates.
Certificates – Certificate holder
Logical store

* If you are in Certificate Purpose view mode, in the console tree, click
Certificates – Certificate holder

3 In the details pane, click the certificate you want to delete. (To select
multiple certificates, hold down CTRL and click each certificate.)
4 On the Action menu, click Delete.
5 Click Yes if you are sure you want to permanently delete the certificate.

* To open Certificates, click Start, click Run, type mmc, and then click OK.
On the File menu, click Open, click the console that you want to open, and
then click Open. Then, in the console tree, click Certificates.
* If you have not already created an MMC console that contains Certificates,
see Related Topics.
* In some instances, there is not a Certificates folder in the console tree.
In that case, navigate in the console tree until the certificate you want
appears in the details pane, and then continue the procedure.
* You might want to back up the certificate by exporting it before you
delete it. For the procedure to export a certificate, see Related Topics.

Certificates HELP...
Start | Run | Type: %windir%\help\CMconcepts.chm | Click OK

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
