Digital Signature Not Found...



When trying to install Symantec Anti Virus on a Windows 2000 Professional
PC, I keep getting the "Digital Signature Not Found" & "unknown software
package" error messages, which then rolls back & doesn't let me install. I
have read the KB article 269651, which explains this & gives a work around.
I'm already running SP4 (article says this was fixed in SP3) & even after
changing the group policy as the article explains, I'm still having no luck!
Any suggestions?

Steve Duff [MVP]

In my, set it to ignore digital signatures on driver installation,
and logon using an account that has local admin rights.

Steve Duff, MCSE, MVP
Ergodic Systems, Inc.


It is.
Here's a rundown on it.
Win2k, SP4. Logged in as Domain Admin. I made the change you suggested & it
still doesn't work.
Other oddities, when it starts up, I get a "Windows File Protection"
message, asking that I insert the Win2k CD. I do & nothing happens.
When trying to repair Internet Explorer, it gives me the same "Digital
Signature Not Found" when trying to install IE, Outlook Express, etc!

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