Difficult to Delete Section Breaks



I had, what to me was, a strange 'section break' problem. I scanned
a signed legal document which had a signature and some handwritten changes.

I put the document into Word 07 format and it was mostly okay. It
had about 5 or 6 section breaks (which has occurred before for scanned
documents and documents converted from WordPerfect). I could easily
delete all but 2 of them. Those last 2 were resistant to being deleted.

I was finally able to get rid of both of them, but *only after* I
found a code for a 'frame' in one section and after I deleted a text box
around what appeared to be a word (but upon clicking showed the text box
border) in another section. Once I deleted the frame code I could
delete the section break easily; the same was the case for the text box
which was in another part of the document.

Does anyone know why I could not delete these section breaks until I
was able to find and then delete the frame/text box?



Suzanne said:
Possibly the frames were anchored to the section breaks?

Not sure about frames, but I experimented with text boxes. I
anchored to the section break and then tried to delete the section
break. No problem.

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