diff of 2 registery files




I was wondering about this for couple of weeks but still wondering....

1. Lets say I create back up of my registery today. Save in file "today.reg"
2. I do normal and legal surfing.
3. Assume that I get infected by some spyware.
4. I notice it.
5. I open registery and do file->export and save in "infected.reg"

Now, if spyware has also tempered my registry then taking a diff of
infected.reg and today.reg would show me all the differences just because of
this spyware.

So, this is better way to clean infection from registry and appears safe too.

But, the problem is : Is it possible to take such diff via some command in
windows XP pro ?

Is there exist some tool who can take diff between 2 given dates ?

thanks in anticipation,

Shenan Stanley

funtoosh said:
I was wondering about this for couple of weeks but still wondering....

1. Lets say I create back up of my registery today. Save in file
2. I do normal and legal surfing.
3. Assume that I get infected by some spyware.
4. I notice it.
5. I open registery and do file->export and save in "infected.reg"

Now, if spyware has also tempered my registry then taking a diff of
infected.reg and today.reg would show me all the differences just
because of this spyware.

So, this is better way to clean infection from registry and appears
safe too.

But, the problem is : Is it possible to take such diff via some
command in windows XP pro ?

Is there exist some tool who can take diff between 2 given dates ?

There are several tools out there that can compare two registry files for
differences.. Two systems as a whole for differences... However, the
differences will be greater than you can imagine after a few days of normal
use. =)



Thanks. Can you give me some pointers ?


Shenan Stanley said:
There are several tools out there that can compare two registry files for
differences.. Two systems as a whole for differences... However, the
differences will be greater than you can imagine after a few days of normal
use. =)

<- Shenan ->
The information is provided "as is", it is suggested you research for
yourself before you take any advice - you are the one ultimately
responsible for your actions/problems/solutions. Know what you are
getting into before you jump in with both feet.

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