DDoS Attacks...



Well, i am currently runing a server on my computer with as ip
address. I been having some kids that been DDoSing my server till it makes it
crash and every1 10mins i up it they down it...is a pain in the ass...

They using tons of diferents ports and high numbers, they have some irc bots
to DDoS and i cant seem to block them, since they use diff. ip address....

I manage to talk to him, he keep saying not even microsoft can block DDoS
attacks, it cant be blocked, you can only take damage till it ends...

Any suggestions please reply back


Locobans said:
Well, i am currently runing a server on my computer with
as ip address. I been having some kids that been DDoSing my server
till it makes it crash and every1 10mins i up it they down it...is a
pain in the ass...

They using tons of diferents ports and high numbers, they have some
irc bots to DDoS and i cant seem to block them, since they use diff.
ip address....

I manage to talk to him, he keep saying not even microsoft can block
DDoS attacks, it cant be blocked, you can only take damage till it

Any suggestions please reply back

Cool! What does this have to do with Windows XP?

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


After sticking his head out from his XP firewall, kurttrail had this to say:
Cool! What does this have to do with Windows XP?

He's probably running a server on XP. :) My Linux servers are always being
attacked by script kiddies. Trouble is they're sending stuff to attack a
Windoze box and doing no harm here other than leaving all their junk in my
log files.


Make sure you have a firewall set up that aggressively keeps everything out
except legal traffic, keep your anti-viral software up to date lest your
computers become a home for DDoS agents like TFN, and keep your network
software up to date with current security patches. This won't stop all DDoS
attacks, but it will stop some of them like Smurfing. You should also keep
yourself current on the latest DDoS developments. The best site for this is
the University of Washington hosted site
http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/ddos/ . There is no silver bullet
for DDoS attacks.


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NoStop said:
After sticking his head out from his XP firewall, kurttrail had this
to say:

He's probably running a server on XP. :) My Linux servers are always
being attacked by script kiddies. Trouble is they're sending stuff to
attack a Windoze box and doing no harm here other than leaving all
their junk in my log files.

Linux servers, for that fact, any kind of server on the net can be

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

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