Dial-up connection not disconnecting when no longer needed

  • Thread starter Robert O'Connell
  • Start date

Robert O'Connell

The dial-up connection I use for the internet (ISDN) does not pop up the
message box to ask me if I want to "Stay Connected" or "Disconnect", even
though all internet using applications are closed down and I have the check
box in the advanced settings of the IE Dial-up checked to make it ask that.
I have unchecked it and saved, then re-checked it and saved, and still it
does not apply.
Anyone know why this might be happening?

this is a standalone PC, everything is working fine on it except for this
disconnect issue.

Your help is appreciated.


The settings your looking at are for DIAL UP ONLY, not IDSN
This connection is always connected, why would you want to
disconnect ??, and yes the IE doesn't need to be running
for the connection to stay active, your ISP will still
poll your pc from time to time, to keep the connection
active, and to test for connectivity.

Robert O'Connell

When I use ISDN, I need to dial up. Maybe its different in my country but

ISDN always requires the Dial-up box to appear and you to click connect

(assuming you have the password already in there), just like a normal 56K


I think I'll try upgrading to IE6.0 to see if its IE5.5 that has the

Robert O'Connell

I've tried installing IE6.0, SP4 and other updates, but I still don't get
the "Stay Connected or Disconnect" option box.
Other then maybe reinstalling Win2000, is there anyhting else I could try?

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