Dependant tables



Please help....
I have created a databse with five tables (A,B,C,D and E). Table A is the
Product Type list and Table B, C and D are tables containing differnt type of
Products. Table E is the table that I want to store the transactions. Table
E will be populated via a user form. The fields in Table E are Date, Product
Type, Product and Quantity.
In the user form is it possible to select Product Type (from Combo List of
Table A) and that will only show the Products (from Table B,C and D). For
eg. one of the product type is microphones and Table B is the list of all
microphones. Is it possible, that when I select Microphone from the drop
down menu then the Product list only shows me the list of the microphones.
This is similar to the dependant list in Excel.

Tom Ellison

Dear Dire:

I believe I see where you are making this most difficult for yourself.

Having 3 tables (B, C, and D) for different types of products would be a
mistake. Put them all in one table, adding a column that identifies the
product type from Table A.

You can easily create the appearance of splitting this into separate tables
by filtering by the various product types.

You may not need ProductType in table E, unless the product identifier is
not unique without the product type.

I can guarantee you things will go much better if you adopt this type of

You may want to keep the tables B, C, and D if they are useful in importing
the data, but then process them into a single table with varying product
types, and do all subsequent database work using this unified table.

Tom Ellison

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