Deleted files from Windows Explorer



I deleted some files from using Windows Explorer. They are not in the Trash bin. Where did they go?? Can anyone help me find and restore them

Delwin Lee [MSFT]

How did you delete then from Explorer? If you held the SHIFT key as you
deleted the files, then you bypassed the Recycle Bin.

If the files do not appear in the Recycle Bin, you'll need to reset to an
uninstall utility or data recovery service.

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Rich said:
I deleted some files from using Windows Explorer. They are not in the
Trash bin. Where did they go?? Can anyone help me find and restore them


What exactly did you delete? I just made a similar mistake but figured out how to fix it. If you erased your folders, like my documents, my computer, etc. you can go to start and right click on these folders. After right clicking it, click on show on the desktop, and it gives them back to your desktop. I hope this helps you.

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