Defender update query for 1.14.1353.2



Over the last 24 hrs, this update has 'updated' itself 11 times so far. No
matter which way it is installed, 'express or custom', and even after a
system 'shut-down' it keeps presenting itself to be installed! The main
window of MS Defender states that it is already installed. The 'updates
available shield' is still sitting on the taskbar, even after unticking the
Idea's please?


Thanks JoAnn ...that worked nicely BUT one variant does deserve some
recognition. To eliminate the warning that I had been 23 days since an
update I had to use the update button associated with that warning. I first
attempted to resolve the warning by goes to the update button under the Help
Menu as Bill had mentioned but that didn't clear the warning. Apparently the
two update button have slightly different results.


"Compo" wrote:
Experiencing same problem. Defender also says I haven't updated in 23 days!

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