DB won't run on client machines



I have developed an Access 2002 SP3 db on WinXP. There
are numerous forms, functions, macros but it all works
beautifully....on my machine. I have it in both MDB and
MDE formats on my machine and both work.

When I copy this DB to my client's Win2000 server where
Access 2002 SP3 is installed - things go wrong. Forms
aren't displaying subforms - I get error messages saying
that I can't execute and I can't save. The system will
sometimes close out completely.

Neither the backend (tables stored in separate DB on
same server)nor the FrontEnd are READ ONLY. I'm the only
user in the DB at the time so it's not a locked record.

I believe I have compiled my copy - I'm uncomfortable
with this so I may be missing something here. I open the
DB, display the DB window on the form object page, click
on the CODE button, select the highest level in the
hierarchy and chose COMPILE DB from the DEBUG menu.

I'm in need of help - PLEASE HELP IF YOU HAVE ANY CLUES!

Wayne Morgan

1) The front-end should be on each individual workstation with the back-end
on the server.

2) You have to have write/read/create/delete (or better) permissions on the
Share and the NTFS.

3) If you have added Access Security to the database and the workgroup file
(*.mdw) is in the shared location with the back-end file, it should have a
different name than the back-end file. Both will create an lock file (*.ldb)
with their same name, just a different extension, so if both files have the
same name they will both be trying to create their own ldb with that name
and you'll have a conflict (but probably no error message).

4) To see if the database is compiled, in the code window go to
Debug|Compile (name of database). If it is grayed out, it is compiled. It
not, click on it to compile. The MDE is compiled, that is the nature of an

5) See if these will help:



Hi Wayne,

Many THANKS for your suggestions and links.

1. I do have the FE's on each individual workstation and
the BE on the server. I publish both FE & BE to the
server and the User copies the FE to his/her desktop (not
a shortcut - full mde file installation).

I access the published files remotely through CITRIX but
I don't think CITRIX is the problem (could be their
version of Access although their version is the same as
mine and we both have SP3)

2. Checking on the permissions - Thanks.

3. No security added

4. The DB is fully compiled.

NEW QUESTION FOR YOU: another trick I tried was to
convert the 2002 mdb down to Access 2000 and then back up
again. I received an error "can't save file" on the
conversion to 2000 attempt. Although the conversion
seemed to fail/hang - it did create a file. This file
appears to work just fine. No conversion error table was
created. Unfortunately thiis did not solve my problem
but could I be missing something since I was unable to
convert downward?

Wayne Morgan

The default file format in Access 2002 and 2003 is the 2000 file format. The
only problem you should run into is if you are doing something that Access
2000 wouldn't recognize, such as using a command that didn't exist in Access
2000; however, the file format change should work. There are a couple of
things that require the new file format, but I don't remember what they are
at the moment. The other problem with varying between versions is the MDE
file. The MDE file needs to be created by the same version of Access that is
going to be running the file, regardless of which file format is used.

Albert D. Kallal

Have you checked references?

Broken refs is usually the #1 problem if the database works on your pc, but
not on another.

i would check out:

Allen Browne

Doug Steele:

Peter Walker:

MsKb Articles: 310803, 208218, 209849, 286300

ACC2000: How Access 2000 Resolves Visual Basic for Applications References

ACC2000: How to Resolve Reference Issues in an Access Database


-----Original Message-----
Have you checked references?

Broken refs is usually the #1 problem if the database works on your pc, but
not on another.

i would check out:

Allen Browne

Doug Steele:
http://members.rogers.com/douglas.j.steele/AccessReferenc eErrors.html

Peter Walker:

MsKb Articles: 310803, 208218, 209849, 286300

ACC2000: How Access 2000 Resolves Visual Basic for Applications References
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en- us;248941

ACC2000: How to Resolve Reference Issues in an Access Database

THANK YOU! My errors and DB problems were related to
one missing reference and a second reference that was
somehow mismatched with the primary file. After un-
selecting each reference, one at a time, and then re-
select it, the program now seems to work as intended!
FINALLY! I truly appreciate your help!

Thank you Albert - And Thank You Wayne!


Well....what worked didn't last long. After I workedon
the references, I had the installed DB on my client's
server testing out just fine. All seemed well again.

The mdb file worked, I saved it as an mde which also
worked. And I logged out -

Going back in now/later - the errors are back again.
WHAT HAPPENED? No one was in the program - how could the
references once again not work?

What do I need to do to ensure the fix stays fixed???

Wayne Morgan

The help insure it stays fixed, uncheck any references you don't need. It'll
be just that many fewer to go bad on you. Write them down first in case you
uncheck to many, that way you'll know what to recheck. If you uncheck too
many, the database won't compile. Also, you may have problems going from a
newer version of Access to an older one with the file. Going the other way,
the newer version will update the reference to Access automatically, but
I've seen when going backwards, it just giving an error and I'd have to go
in and change it manually. The one I'm speaking of is the one that says
something like "Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library". Access 2000 should be
v9.0 and Access 2002 should be v10.0.

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