Am I correct in believing that a Windows Update was sent out a few years
back to handle the changes to the dates when Daylight Savings Time starts
and ends in North America? If yes, does anyone know which Update this was?
I'd like to check to see if it is installed in Add/Remove Programs.
Or was this fix included in SP3?
I use this on both WinXP and Win98 machines, works great and non-
This info was obtained from the MS win98 newsgroup:
If you have the Windows 98 Resource Kit, there is a tool in it named
TZEDIT.EXE, that will do this for you following the below
(a) Click TZEDIT.EXE.
It opens with your time zone selected.
(b) Click the Edit button.
(c) Change the Start Day to... Second, Sunday, March.
(d) Change the Last Day to... First, Sunday, November.
(e) Click the OK button.
(f) Click the Close button.
(g) Click Start, point to Settings, point to Control Panel,
and then double-click Date/Time.
(h) Click the Time Zone tab.
(i) Select a different time zone than the one you are set at,
and then click Apply.
(j) Change back to your timezone, and then click OK.
"Note Steps i and j are required for the new changes to take effect",
the article says, as does TZEdit's own help screen.
Do so before March 11, 2007. If you cannot get TZEdit.exe from your
You can download the tool from this site. It doesn't mention XP, but
might work anyway:
Also look at these:
"Unofficial" Win2k/NT4 DST patch:
"Unofficial" Win98/ME DST Patch: