J. P. Gilliver (John)
[]Barry Bruyea said:That's the default position. You must have changed something.
He said date, not time.
If you drag the taskbar to double or more height, I think you get the
date as well as the time.
Otherwise, there are various utilities - TClockEx is the commonest, and
suits me fine, but others prefer others - that let you mess about with
the format (and font) of what appears in the clock area to your heart's
content (for example, I have
Fri, 2014 Nov 11
+0000 GMT Standard Time
in the height only two buttons high).
I'm not aware of anything inbuilt to XP that will let you have the date
_instead of_ the time without adding extra (either utility or height).
If you hover the mouse over the clock, the date will appear as a