Databased photos in access




I have an access frontend connecting to a MySQL database. We have a STAFF
table - and each record stores a link to a photo of the staff member. The
photos are stored in an online directory. When you click on the link in the
form an INternet Browser is opened and the linked image is shown.

How can i make the image appear on my form without having to click on the




If you store the full path and filename in a field, say ImagePath, then you
can add an Image control to your form. When you first create it, select a
picture to embed into it (just so the control stays on the form). Then you
can delete the picture reference in the properties. Then, in the form's
OnCurrent event add:

Me.Image1.Picture = Me!ImagePath

I found this a very efficient way to add images to records without bloating
the database by embedding pictures into the forms, since you're storing the
path to the image and not the image itself.

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