CwordPad - Great Freeware Editor But is there Support Group anywhere online for it?



Cwordpad is a great Wordpad replacement with a spell checker
and thesaurus.

But the company, Cetus , is not supporting it.

I had a couple of questions that can probably apply to
other spell checker editors.

Can anyone answer these questions AND let me know if there
is a forum or any support for CwordPad?

I want an Explaination of these files used for spell checker:

Uignore.tlx, AutoCorr.tlx, CondCorr.tlx, Usuggest.tlx

I'd like to know how to edit them for proper utilization with

Can I probably find these answers
by reading how other editors use these files?

Also Is there a master dictionary file?
I ask because:

Here's how my search began.
A badly spelled word slipped past the spell checker.

The spelling of tattoo using this, 'tatoo' was not flagged.
I could not find a file where 'tatoo' existed so as to delete it. None
of the *.tlx files included tatoo, tattoo.

All of the *.tlx files were in the windows\system directory.

I did discover a *.clx (compressed) file in the same directory. But I
am not sure it is related to Cwordpad. If it is then
the spelling of 'tatoo' might be in there.
Since it's compressed it's not easy to read or decipher.

So to recap.

1. Is there any support or forum for CwordPad?
2. How do I maximize the effectivness of the *.tlx files?
3. Is there another file that includes words not in the *.tlx




"CwordPad-User" <[email protected]> in
I want an Explaination of these files used for spell checker:

Uignore.tlx, AutoCorr.tlx, CondCorr.tlx, Usuggest.tlx

window's search will not look inside certain filetypes., so that word may eixsit on one fo those "weird" filetypes.

thanks for the post.
i migth check out CWord, becuase, as you can see, i need a typo fixer :)

you could try dragging those files into editpadlite. once tatoo is in editpad's searchbox, you click *once* to search all open
files for the search phrase (tatoo). may be more than one tatoo, so keep clicking until you find all 'tatoo'.

yes, i like editpadlite. :)

I'd like to know how to edit them for proper utilization with

Can I probably find these answers
by reading how other editors use these files?

Also Is there a master dictionary file?
I ask because:

Here's how my search began.
A badly spelled word slipped past the spell checker.

The spelling of tattoo using this, 'tatoo' was not flagged.
I could not find a file where 'tatoo' existed so as to delete it. None
of the *.tlx files included tatoo, tattoo.

All of the *.tlx files were in the windows\system directory.

I did discover a *.clx (compressed) file in the same directory. But I
am not sure it is related to Cwordpad.

sometimes the date/time of oddbal files give clue as to which app uses (alters) the file.
so, open a doc with cword, edit. close cword. search for all of todays' modified files. sort by date/time. see most recently

If it is then
the spelling of 'tatoo' might be in there.
Since it's compressed it's not easy to read or decipher.

So to recap.

1. Is there any support or forum for CwordPad?

persumably you googled.

Miquel Alejandro

On Sun, 10 Jul 2005 23:16:33 +0000 (UTC), "(e-mail address removed)"

Wow! I remember using this years ago but have moved on to WindowsXP
and MSWord!

Norman Cohen

CwordPad-User said:
Cwordpad is a great Wordpad replacement with a spell checker
and thesaurus.

But the company, Cetus , is not supporting it.

I had a couple of questions that can probably apply to
other spell checker editors.

Can anyone answer these questions AND let me know if there
is a forum or any support for CwordPad?

I want an Explaination of these files used for spell checker:

Uignore.tlx, AutoCorr.tlx, CondCorr.tlx, Usuggest.tlx

I'd like to know how to edit them for proper utilization with

Can I probably find these answers
by reading how other editors use these files?

Also Is there a master dictionary file?
I ask because:

Here's how my search began.
A badly spelled word slipped past the spell checker.

The spelling of tattoo using this, 'tatoo' was not flagged.
I could not find a file where 'tatoo' existed so as to delete it.
None of the *.tlx files included tatoo, tattoo.

All of the *.tlx files were in the windows\system directory.

I did discover a *.clx (compressed) file in the same directory. But I
am not sure it is related to Cwordpad. If it is then
the spelling of 'tatoo' might be in there.
Since it's compressed it's not easy to read or decipher.

So to recap.

1. Is there any support or forum for CwordPad?
2. How do I maximize the effectivness of the *.tlx files?
3. Is there another file that includes words not in the *.tlx



Hay Andre, or anybody else who can help....I too like
WordPad (assuming you are talking about Cetus),but I am unable to
download WordPad. Can I have an Url or a copy by email?

Email is normancohen(SKIPTHIS)at


Cwordpad is a great Wordpad replacement with a spell checker
and thesaurus.

That is ok, CWordPad is great and I was using it until I found
CryptEdit which has more features than CWordPad.

It is not crippled in anyway nor does it call home. I think you should
try it.

(The more advanced PolyEdit is payware)

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