Custom View



Can I have rows included in a custom view if certain text is in a particluar
column in particular rows (I want to show the header columns on all views)?


From what I'm gathering, I may be able to combine autofilter and custom view
to get what I need.....

I need a quick way (either by worksheet tab or toolbar button) to view data
on my sheet that is viewed in a certain view IF a particular "list" cell
matches a criteria and then I can slect which columns are pertinent for that
view. My problem is that I'm strangulated by my limited knowledge of Excel's
capabilities and and trying to figure out a way to do it using what I know
thus far.......

Anne Troy

IF I were you (now THERE's an IF statement!), I would make a sample workbook
and upload it somewhere on the web. Git yer butt over to the Excel VBA
newsgroups (beginners? I don't go in there anymore) or over to (where you can upload the file right there) and ask
for help with it. It's EVER so much easier for people to help you when you
provide a sample workbook with which they can SHOW you or write the code
right in your workbook. When I'm answering quesitons, I tend to bypass the
long wordy ones that I have to try to figure out in my head. I'm a
visual-kinda person myself. :) I think your question certainly warrants the
sample file. Good luck!!
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy


Thanks, Anne! I'll try that!

Anne Troy said:
IF I were you (now THERE's an IF statement!), I would make a sample
workbook and upload it somewhere on the web. Git yer butt over to the
Excel VBA newsgroups (beginners? I don't go in there anymore) or over to (where you can upload the file right there) and
ask for help with it. It's EVER so much easier for people to help you when
you provide a sample workbook with which they can SHOW you or write the
code right in your workbook. When I'm answering quesitons, I tend to
bypass the long wordy ones that I have to try to figure out in my head.
I'm a visual-kinda person myself. :) I think your question certainly
warrants the sample file. Good luck!!
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy

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